To this:
In less than 14 hours.
Both kids had fever this morning. Kate's was much higher than Will's (102 verses his 100.9) but unfortunately both were diagnosed with strep throat this morning. They are pitiful. I literally have not seen Kate this puny since she was receiving chemo. Breaks my momma heart so very much.
I'm also having a really hard time dealing with our new normal/ fever guidelines for Kate. Kate is considered a normal 2 year old right now. We are so thankful, and so blessed, to be at this point. But I have lived my entire motherhood journey with fever being a big enemy. I've been told that any temperature over 100.4 means an automatic visit to the Texas Children's ER since Kate was 6 weeks old. That's over two years of intense fever watch.
And now? All of her doctors have informed me that as long as her temperature doesn't get over 104, we are good to stay home. That we should expect her to have a high temp for 48-72 hours due to the strep.
That it is normal.
She is normal.
What a miracle.
While I'm adjusting my mindset for Kate, I am still living under fever guidelines for Will. Such a strange place to be - letting go and yet still holding on.
While Will's fever should warrant a trip to the ER, Houston is currently experiencing a major flu outbreak and his doctors have decided that he is safest at home until his fever gets over 101.5. We just can't chance him getting the flu from other kids at the hospital.
Please keep these sweet babies in your prayers - I am terrified that Kate's new immune system won't be able to fight off her first big illness post transplant. I'm also terrified that Will's platelets (which are already dropping fast) will drop even faster due to illness.
To sum it up - I'm worried for my babies! I worry for them daily - but it takes a lot for me to vocalize my fear. And y'all I'm terrified right now! We need Will to get better without his counts dropping. We need Kate's immune system to fight off this infection and come out stronger!
I need to know that the Lord is taking care of these sweet babies!

I adore your sweet family. Like I said earlier, sounds like Kate's system is super strong from what you told me. Yay Kate, kick that strep's butt! Prayers for sweet Will, and super fast healing!!
I think it's positive that her immune system is responding just as it should! Fever is a normal response and that's AWESOME that she has a normal response! I hope both babies feel better soon. Prayers!
hope those sweet babies are feeling better. i hate it when they're sick :(
I will say a prayer for your family's health.
Oh Lindsey, I so feel for you and all you have to deal with it. You manage it beautifully and are an inspiration to me! I hope the kids are doing better. You guys are always in my prayers!
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