I am 18 weeks today! I am having a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that this pregnancy (which is most likely going to be my only pregnancy unless we have a true “surprise” miracle baby happen in the future) is half way done. How have I known about this sweet baby for 16ish weeks? It seems like I just found out yesterday!
Funny story - Alex and I found out that we were expecting at his parents house in December - I couldn't wait until we got back to Houston to take a pregnancy test so I packed 10, yes you read that right 10, pregnancy tests and brought them to Jackson. I took them all (again I am crazy) and they were all nice and positive! I still have no clue if my in-laws picked up on anything (they knew we were going through treatment) while we were there but, it was SO hard to not spill the beans (and say no to wine – that may have been the give away right there because I love red wine)! Given my history of early loss, we wanted to get nice strong beta HCG (pregnancy blood work) confirmation before getting too excited and telling our immediate family. We told them about a week later after we got great results from my doctor!
Back to being 18 weeks - Kate is now the size of a sweet potato and is a little over 6 inches long! I can't believe how big she is getting!!!
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I will find out my exact number tomorrow since I am not weighing at home. But, last it was checked, I was up 4 pounds - per the books I should have gained 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks and be up around 6 pounds right now. I am pleased to brag that as of now, it seems to all be in my belly – I have yet to develop pregnancy “fat face” – but check back with me in a few weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes but, I think this is the last week I will "make them work". I am growing fast now and need some more comfy clothes for work.
Stretch Marks: Not really
Best Moment this Week: Feeling my first big kick - it happened Monday March 29!
Movement: I am getting a solid 5-10 minutes of kicking in a day now. Monday it was while I was at work and yesterday it was at 10pm when I was trying to sleep. Kate and I had a nice talk about how I am not a nice person if I don't get my sleep and how she needs to start adjusting her sleep patterns while in the womb. We will be a much happier family this fall if she is sleeping well! I’ll survive if she doesn’t – and I am 100% confident that Mimi (my mom) and my Mother-in-law (who still needs a grandmother name – she is way too young and hip to be Grandma) will be more than willing to com visit and hold/ love on Kate while I get some sleep!
Food Cravings: I still don't believe in cravings and I still have not had any at all. Maybe that is why I haven't gained a lot of weight?
Labor Signs: No. I am still working on a post about my progesterone shot though!
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Seeing Kate on the ultrasound tomorrow! Also, we are 90% certain we have picked out our crib (see post below) and I am excited for Alex to see it in person and for the final decision to be made. I could have a crib in my house by Saturday - that is INSANE!
March 31, 2010
March 30, 2010
Ideas for Kate's Nursery!!!
I have started the process of planning Kate's nursery! I am so excited to get things going. Kate's room is currently our guest room. We have a 3 bed room house with the rooms currently functioning as the master, an office, and a guest room. Due to the nature of Alex's work, and the fact that he logs on to his computer to work issues and such at 2am, the office needs to stay in tact. So, we will be clearing the guest room to make room for Kate. Our hope is that we can get a nice sleeper sofa or something similar to put in the office for guests. That hasn't really been figured out just yet.
But, on to the fun things - the nursery! I have had a blast picking out items and dreaming up this nursery in my head. My mom and sister (mostly my mom) will be custom making all of the linens for the room as well as the drapes. We will be using the following two fabrics for the bedding, accent throw pillows, and possibly the drapes. The room is a neutral taupe color and we will be leaving it - it looks really good with both fabrics.
The stripe will be used for the crib skirt and the paisley will be used for the bumper. We will accent the bumper with the stripe by adding pretty bows to attach the bumper to the crib and with a ruffle on top of the bumper. The stripe may also be used for the drapes - but, like I mentioned that hasn't been finalized just yet!
We already have a tall dresser at the house that I (coughAlexorMimicough) plan to refinish to match the crib (so an antique white). It is just your standard 5 drawer dresser. I do plan to dress it up and make it girlier with some pretty new hardware! I would also like to find an antique buffet to refinish and use as a changing table/ storage center for more of Kate's things. My friend and I are planning on searching Houston in the near future for something! Use your imagination with this picture - this piece (and I really, really want to find something similar) could look stellar with some fresh paint and hardware!
But, on to the fun things - the nursery! I have had a blast picking out items and dreaming up this nursery in my head. My mom and sister (mostly my mom) will be custom making all of the linens for the room as well as the drapes. We will be using the following two fabrics for the bedding, accent throw pillows, and possibly the drapes. The room is a neutral taupe color and we will be leaving it - it looks really good with both fabrics.
The stripe will be used for the crib skirt and the paisley will be used for the bumper. We will accent the bumper with the stripe by adding pretty bows to attach the bumper to the crib and with a ruffle on top of the bumper. The stripe may also be used for the drapes - but, like I mentioned that hasn't been finalized just yet!
As of right now, we are leaning towards this crib. We purchased our stroller from a very reputable baby store in Houston, and they are willing to work with us on the price of the crib since we are repeat customers! I really wanted an iron crib but was having some trouble justifying the price. However, I think this crib is beautiful (it is prettier to me in person) and it is a bit less than some of the other iron cribs I was looking at on-line! (Our walls are a similar color to the walls in this picture.)
I plan on getting a big comfy glider and ottoman to keep in the room. Right now I am leaning towards this one - the best part is I saw this glider on-line and loved it - just not the price tag. Well, this company makes a line for Walmart so, this is a much more reasonable option! And, it has received rave reviews! Imagine a pretty soft pink throw over the back and an accent pillow in our fabrics resting in the glider!
I would like to put a custom painting of Kate's name over her crib. The only dilemma with that is we still aren't 100% sure what everyone will call her. Obviously I am calling her Kate now but, that doesn't mean she will always be Kate. I may go with a three canvas monogram over her crib instead to avoid this issue all together. However, if I do her name, I want something similar to this name canvas from esty seller Posh Paints.
Obviously, ours would match our nursery "feel" a bit more and the colors would match our fabric but, I love the font on this canvas!
We already have a tall dresser at the house that I (coughAlexorMimicough) plan to refinish to match the crib (so an antique white). It is just your standard 5 drawer dresser. I do plan to dress it up and make it girlier with some pretty new hardware! I would also like to find an antique buffet to refinish and use as a changing table/ storage center for more of Kate's things. My friend and I are planning on searching Houston in the near future for something! Use your imagination with this picture - this piece (and I really, really want to find something similar) could look stellar with some fresh paint and hardware!
As for minor touches, I would like a pretty nightstand/ table to put near the glider to set a lamp on and I would also like some type of bookshelf as I hope to instill my love of reading into Kate at a very early age! I would love a wall decal with one of my favorite verses to put above the windows or over the closet as well as a pretty, soft rug for the room (we have hardwood floors). I also really want to find a vintage frame to paint and make into a fabric covered cork board. I would use the paisley for this! My inspiration frame (it's actually a mirror which I would like to have as well):
I'm sure I will have more tidbits to add as we actually start planning but, this is my first attempt to get my thoughts out and expressed via pictures! I hope y'all love it as much as I do! I just cannot wait to see it all come together!!
March 29, 2010
Best Day Ever!!!
I officially felt a nice, strong kick form little Miss Kate! I was worried that I wouldn't realize what it was but, let me tell you, when someone kicks you from the inside you know! One of my friends asked me to describe what it was like and I am at a loss for words - it is very strange and hard to explain!
The timing was perfect too. I had some totally irrational fears this weekend about things not being right or getting bad news at my ultrasound on Thursday so, this kick was the proof that I needed that Kate is growing and thriving!
Now, if I could just convince some of my older, female co-workers that I am indeed 18 weeks pregnant and not too small to be carrying a healthy baby. Yeah, apparently they think I should be a whale by now...just wait until July - I'm sure I'll be nice and hugely swollen by then!
The timing was perfect too. I had some totally irrational fears this weekend about things not being right or getting bad news at my ultrasound on Thursday so, this kick was the proof that I needed that Kate is growing and thriving!
Now, if I could just convince some of my older, female co-workers that I am indeed 18 weeks pregnant and not too small to be carrying a healthy baby. Yeah, apparently they think I should be a whale by now...just wait until July - I'm sure I'll be nice and hugely swollen by then!
March 28, 2010
It's Here!!!!
After a long 8 weeks of waiting and wondering when I would get the call about our stroller, I finally heard on Friday that it was in Houston and would be available for pick-up Saturday morning!!!
We ordered the 2010 UppaBaby Vista in the Special Edition color Maya and it is so pretty! Kate is going to be so stylish in her pretty yellow stroller. These pictures don't do the color justice - I took them in our bedroom and the lighting isn't that great. It is more golden that it appears in the pictures!
The stroller came with the frame, a bassinet, and the regular seat. Uppababy makes a stand for the bassinet so that it can be used around the house. Kate will probably sleep in this bassinet for her first few weeks! Here is the bassinet:
We ordered the 2010 UppaBaby Vista in the Special Edition color Maya and it is so pretty! Kate is going to be so stylish in her pretty yellow stroller. These pictures don't do the color justice - I took them in our bedroom and the lighting isn't that great. It is more golden that it appears in the pictures!
The stroller came with the frame, a bassinet, and the regular seat. Uppababy makes a stand for the bassinet so that it can be used around the house. Kate will probably sleep in this bassinet for her first few weeks! Here is the bassinet:
Looking into the bassinet! I can't wait to see my sweet baby girl with a big bow on her head sleeping in there!
The regular seat can either face momma and daddy or face out. Please notice the super big basket that I can fill up with all sorts of things!!!
The frame also takes an infant carseat - we just don't have ours yet! Now, I just need to learn how to fold it up so I can put it away in the closet until Kate gets here!!!
March 25, 2010
17 Weeks!!!
How Far Along: 17 weeks 1 dayTotal Weight Gain: Currently up 4 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am still in regular clothes for work and am wearing more dresses on the weekend. But, I think I need to break down and go buy some maternity work pants ASAP. Sitting at my desk with my pants unbuttoned is not very professional.
Stretch Marks: That small one I saw last week, on my hip, may or may not still be there. Other than that - nothing!!
Best Moment this Week: Finding out that baby B is a girl! I now call her by name, Kate, and have gone crazy shopping!
Movement: Still random pops/ flutters here and there but nothing consistent or major just yet.
Food Cravings: I am about to be hated by pregnant women. I think cravings are totally fake. I am now a firm believer that when a pregnant woman "craves" something, it is simply her attempt to justify eating something unhealthy (candy, chocolate, McDonald's, etc). I have yet to have one of these mysterious cravings pregnant women speak of. I still prefer salt/ cheesy snacks but that is because sweets upset my stomach. I'll keep you posted if the cravings fairy every stops by. But, I'm thinking, like the tooth fairy, she is just a figment of some people's imagination.
Labor Signs: Nope. I did start my Progesterone shots though - I'll have to do a post on that. Let's just say injecting oil (think vegetable oil - it is just as thick and yuck) into your hip/bum with a 1.5 inch, thick needle is not fun. At all.
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Our stroller is scheduled to come in finally! And, I am going shopping for some nursery things with a friend this weekend!!!
I'll post a picture when I get home tonight and take one - unless I go crazy and try to take on in the full length mirror in the bathroom here at work. That will for sure guarantee at leasta few side eyes my way!
March 24, 2010
Sweet little Ollie Bub!
Our sweet 7 month old puppy, Oliver, got fixed today. Poor buddy didn't even know what was coming. I just booked it on Monday because he was starting to mark the house and I was over cleaning up his pee. So, I called the vet, was told they had an opening for today, and got him on the books.
I dropped him off this morning and his girlfriend Nina was there ready to give him kisses. Our dog sitter Sarah (she is amazing) is the Vet Manager at the practice we go to. Ollie and Nina (a mini Chihuahua) have a thing for each other and love playing when Sarah watches our dogs. So, both of them were excited to see each other this morning.
I heard from Dr. Reid around noon and Ollie is doing good! A bit groggy from the medicine but, the surgery was a success. Now, I have the fun task of stopping a puppy from running or jumping for the next 3-4 days. Not to mention he won't be able to go burn off energy at doggie day car for the next 10 days.
March 22, 2010
Just a bunch of randomness - I think bullets will work nicely!
- My shopping problem has not stopped - in fact it has gotten worse. I hope it dies down in the coming days. At least I am only buying things that are on sale or cheap to begin with!!
- I made the "guts" to a homemade chicken pot pie yesterday. I plan to make the topping and bake it off tonight. I cannot wait for dinner - all I have been thinking about it the buttery, fluffy topping that I will most likely eat way too much of!
- I have started consuming ice cream like a stereo typical pregnant lady. My current favorite flavors are Girl Scout Cookie - Samoas and Ben and Jerry Cinnamon Rolls - so delish!
- My Mom is coming to visit April 16-19 and I am so excited! I am hoping she can help me get a few things ready for little Miss Kate!
- Oliver (our 6 month old long haired dachshund) is getting fixed on Wednesday. I booked it today b/c I can no longer take his new found obsession with marking. I swear we take him out to pee and not 20 minutes later he is marking his scent in yet another corner of our house.
- I am in the midst of planning a bridal shower for one of my good friends here in Houston and am really excited about it. Everything is coming together and it should be awesome! Also, our good friend from NorCal is coming out for the party!!!!
- I forgot to mention but, at my last appointment, I was up 3 pounds - so I gained the two I lost back plus one more. Everyone was happy about that!
- We also learned at the last appointment that Kate officially weighed 6 whole ounces! Miss Priss better chub up - I want to see little leg rolls spilling out of her bloomers and bubbles!!
- I am starting to work on the nursery with my Mom - hopefully I will have fabrics selected this week. If so, I will do a big post about all of my ideas!
March 21, 2010
I have gone a bit nuts on the shopping front. A trip to Target is no longer a quick get what you need and get out kind of thing anymore. It has turned into a "get everything I need in record speed so I can spend quality time looking at baby things".
I just can't resist when precious little outfits and dresses are $6-8. I guess it defeats the purpose of things being super cheap when I leave with multiple outfits. Oh well! Here is a preview of Kate's latest additions to her ever growing wardrobe.
I just can't resist when precious little outfits and dresses are $6-8. I guess it defeats the purpose of things being super cheap when I leave with multiple outfits. Oh well! Here is a preview of Kate's latest additions to her ever growing wardrobe.
Two cute pink dresses
Two Cute blue dresses
Two sleepers
A cute pants/ bib/ onsie set. I am usually not big on outfits like this but the ruffles on the butt were just too cute to pass up! (Sorry I can't get the ruffle butt picture to upload correctly.)
I did some Etsy shopping last night too and bought three bows and headbands and a brown crochet hat with a pink and brown bow (I can't find the picture but the bow is just like the one on the right but attached to a hat instead).
So - there is my evidence (not all as I have made some on-line purchases that aren't here yet) that I must stop shopping! It is just too fun to shop for a little girl - and I have waited a long time do this!!
Here are pictures of me from today - almost 17 weeks - a front view and a side view!
March 18, 2010
We had our ultrasound today and everything looks perfect. The baby is a GIRL and I am just so excited (I think Alex is a bit nervous and clueless as to what he will do with a girly girl)!! Her name will be Katherine Elizabeth. We will probably call her Kate but she may end of Katie, Katie Beth, or just Katherine - we really have no clue just yet!
She is perfectly healthy and measuring right on track. During the ultrasound she didn't want to show us her face and kept a hand covering her features at all times. But, she had no shame spreading her legs and showing us that she is indeed a girl. We will have to work on modesty when she gets here!
Here is a picture of her profile - her head/ face is on the right side, her right arm is raised up in the background and her left hand is covering her face (that I just know is cute as a button).
A bit of a confession: My doctor has been guessing that the baby was a girl since 12 weeks. However, she will not confirm the sex of babies until her patients are at least 16 weeks pregnant because 12 and 14 weeks is really early to tell the sex as parts still look similar for boys and girls. Her guess was right for us though!
After our appointment I had to get some blood taken and then headed to the closest baby boutique to pick up some goods! Kate got two cute gowns and a pair of socks!
She is perfectly healthy and measuring right on track. During the ultrasound she didn't want to show us her face and kept a hand covering her features at all times. But, she had no shame spreading her legs and showing us that she is indeed a girl. We will have to work on modesty when she gets here!
Here is a picture of her profile - her head/ face is on the right side, her right arm is raised up in the background and her left hand is covering her face (that I just know is cute as a button).
A bit of a confession: My doctor has been guessing that the baby was a girl since 12 weeks. However, she will not confirm the sex of babies until her patients are at least 16 weeks pregnant because 12 and 14 weeks is really early to tell the sex as parts still look similar for boys and girls. Her guess was right for us though!
After our appointment I had to get some blood taken and then headed to the closest baby boutique to pick up some goods! Kate got two cute gowns and a pair of socks!
I am so excited to start planning and shopping!!!
March 17, 2010
16 Weeks
I think this shirt makes me look a bit bigger than I really am - but maybe not! Either way, this outfit was the cause of my first stranger comment in the elevator at work! Good thing I am pregnant and the lady that asked didn't have to jump off the elevator in shame!
Warning - Dad if you are reading don't read this next statement (or really any other men)!
This picture also shows that the "girls" are a bit out of control these days - not a pregnancy symptom I am too fond of.
How Far Along: 16 weeks
Total Weight Gain: I will know tomorrow
Maternity Clothes: I still just have one pair of maternity jeans everything else I am wearing is pre-pregnancy clothing!
Stretch Marks: I may have seen a small one on my hip - but I am staying in denial
Best Moment this Week: Officially feeling the baby - it was like popcorn popping in my belly and I felt it 8 or 9 times Monday night while in bed! I haven't felt it since but that is normal this early on.
Movement: See above!
Food Cravings: No real cravings but I still prefer anything salty or cheesy (popcorn, cheddar cheese rice cakes, etc)
Labor Signs: Nope - but I do start P17 injections the week (and will have one every week until 34 weeks) to help ward off pre term labor due to an increase risk of that given a few things I am not comfortable going into.
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Very much so still an Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Finding out the sex of Baby B TOMORROW!!!!
March 16, 2010
Major Baby Purchase!
I was notified today that Gilt* was having a sale on Petunia Pickle Bottom today.
PPB and sale in the same sentence = one happy Lindsey!
So, I went to take a look. I saw several of the boxy backpacks, some of the satchels, cute little onsies and baby socks and then, my heart skipped a beat. I saw it. The beautiful PPB Cake Cosmopolitan Carry All. Beauty in the form of a diaper bag!
I have loved this bag for a while but I couldn't justify its price tag to Alex (let's just say it is well over a few hundred dollars). However, today the bag was on sale for less than $200 - that is a steal! So, I did what all couples do that work together - I sent him an IM asking for his credit card number. And told him about this beauty and how much I wanted it and am only considering buying it b/c it is on super sale. And how if I hate it or don't use it I will sell it on eBay and make all of our money back since it is so cheap. Basically, I begged for it. Not that I need to beg for things, we both make equal money and I can spend freely. I just like to discuss bigger purchases with him (and he does the same).
He simply said, if you love it, and will use it, and promise that you won't be upset in two months b/c a "newer, better, more awesome" diaper bag comes out, buy it. And that was it.
I am now the proud owner of this beautiful bag (now pray I love it!). And, no I didn't get blue b/c we know what we are having - I got blue b/c it was on sale for more than 50% off!
PPB and sale in the same sentence = one happy Lindsey!
So, I went to take a look. I saw several of the boxy backpacks, some of the satchels, cute little onsies and baby socks and then, my heart skipped a beat. I saw it. The beautiful PPB Cake Cosmopolitan Carry All. Beauty in the form of a diaper bag!
I have loved this bag for a while but I couldn't justify its price tag to Alex (let's just say it is well over a few hundred dollars). However, today the bag was on sale for less than $200 - that is a steal! So, I did what all couples do that work together - I sent him an IM asking for his credit card number. And told him about this beauty and how much I wanted it and am only considering buying it b/c it is on super sale. And how if I hate it or don't use it I will sell it on eBay and make all of our money back since it is so cheap. Basically, I begged for it. Not that I need to beg for things, we both make equal money and I can spend freely. I just like to discuss bigger purchases with him (and he does the same).
He simply said, if you love it, and will use it, and promise that you won't be upset in two months b/c a "newer, better, more awesome" diaper bag comes out, buy it. And that was it.
I am now the proud owner of this beautiful bag (now pray I love it!). And, no I didn't get blue b/c we know what we are having - I got blue b/c it was on sale for more than 50% off!
* If you are not familiar with Gilt, it is a website that sells high end items at major discounts - you have to be invited to view the sales and purchase any items. Follow this link and you can sign up - your husbands can thank me later!
Hello Hunger
Well, my latest pregnancy symptom is uncontrollable hunger. It started about 2 days ago and I literally cannot shove enough food into my puffier by the second face - thus resulting in thighs and a butt that are bound to explode in the next week or so.
I don't think I will be needing to see that nutritionist my Peri mentioned. And, I am terrified of what the scale will show on the weight gain front on Thursday - I am guessing I will be up by at least 5 pounds.
This is what I have consumed between 7-10 this morning:
High Protein Boost
Wheat Bagel with cream cheese
High fiber instant oatmeal
100% Natural Ruby Red Grapefruit fruit cup (it is one of the big ones - not your average fruit cup size)
4 Cuties (the little seedless Clementine/ some other citrus mixed together things)
1 cup of coffee
2 liters of water
Some Oreo cakesters (don't judge me for this choice please)
Seriously, how is my stomach holding all of that food? I really feel like Jabba the Hutt right about now - and get this - I AM STILL STARVING!
I guess baby B is going through a growth spurt and just needs all these extra calories to grow big and strong!
So, if you see me around Houston and I have crumbs all over me, please let me know. I am not a slob; I am just a ravenously hungry pregnant lady!
I don't think I will be needing to see that nutritionist my Peri mentioned. And, I am terrified of what the scale will show on the weight gain front on Thursday - I am guessing I will be up by at least 5 pounds.
This is what I have consumed between 7-10 this morning:
High Protein Boost
Wheat Bagel with cream cheese
High fiber instant oatmeal
100% Natural Ruby Red Grapefruit fruit cup (it is one of the big ones - not your average fruit cup size)
4 Cuties (the little seedless Clementine/ some other citrus mixed together things)
1 cup of coffee
2 liters of water
Some Oreo cakesters (don't judge me for this choice please)
Seriously, how is my stomach holding all of that food? I really feel like Jabba the Hutt right about now - and get this - I AM STILL STARVING!
I guess baby B is going through a growth spurt and just needs all these extra calories to grow big and strong!
So, if you see me around Houston and I have crumbs all over me, please let me know. I am not a slob; I am just a ravenously hungry pregnant lady!
March 12, 2010
This verse took on new meaning today
"For you created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful,
I know that full and well."
Psalms 139: 13-14
I have read this verse so many times before but, today it took on a new meaning. This was the first time I read it since being pregnant with this baby - and man does it take on a new significance!
Some of you know, others of you may not have a clue, but, Alex and I's journey to parenthood has not been easy. Over the past 20+ months we have shed tears of pain, tears of frustration, tears of jealousy, tears of anger, and finally tears of joy. We have lost three babies entirely too soon. We have questioned why this is our path, and we have accepted that while it may not make sense now, His plan is the best plan.
This is the most pregnant I have ever been by several weeks. This baby was God's plan for us. And, while I still struggle with our hard journey to get to this point, and the losses we have suffered, I have a sense of appreciation that I am not sure I personally would have had if I didn't have this long, hard journey behind me.
This baby, my baby, is fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving God that will love both of us and protect both of us no matter what His plans are for our family. I pray every day that those plans include bringing this baby home in August or September. I cannot lie and say I don't worry about the outcome of this pregnancy a lot. But, for now, I think I am going to sit back, read this verse, and remind myself that whatever happens is His perfect plan for Alex and me.
God's works are wonderful - I know that full and well - this baby is my tangible evidence.
March 11, 2010
15 weeks (a day late)!
So, this is a day late since we left Hawaii yesterday (and spend 8 hours on a plane last night). Our trip was amazing - I'll recap our last few days soon - but, my goodness that flight just about killed me. I am swollen, achy, and just flat out cranky! But, it was totally worth a week in paradise!
How Far Along: 15 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 1 pound - I lost 2 pounds at my last appointment. Also, I am not weighing myself at home so I will only get an updated weight gain when I see the doctor. My doctor is not concerned with my lack of weight gain just yet since the baby is measuring a good size. However, if I haven't started packing on the pounds by 20 weeks, I will have see a nutritionist to figure out what I need to do.
Maternity Clothes: Not sure since I spent the last week in bathing suits and dresses!
Stretch Marks: None so far.
Best Moment this Week: Our time in Hawaii!!!
Movement: I may be feeling the beginnings of movement - if I lay on my back I can sometimes feel a strange flutter in my lower abdomen. I'm thinking movement will start to pick up pretty soon!
Food Cravings: Anything salty or cheesy (popcorn, cheddar cheese rice cakes, etc)
Labor Signs: No - and I hope to keep it that way for a while
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Very much so still an Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Our stroller should be coming in this week! I am way too excited for that!!!
How Far Along: 15 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 1 pound - I lost 2 pounds at my last appointment. Also, I am not weighing myself at home so I will only get an updated weight gain when I see the doctor. My doctor is not concerned with my lack of weight gain just yet since the baby is measuring a good size. However, if I haven't started packing on the pounds by 20 weeks, I will have see a nutritionist to figure out what I need to do.
Maternity Clothes: Not sure since I spent the last week in bathing suits and dresses!
Stretch Marks: None so far.
Best Moment this Week: Our time in Hawaii!!!
Movement: I may be feeling the beginnings of movement - if I lay on my back I can sometimes feel a strange flutter in my lower abdomen. I'm thinking movement will start to pick up pretty soon!
Food Cravings: Anything salty or cheesy (popcorn, cheddar cheese rice cakes, etc)
Labor Signs: No - and I hope to keep it that way for a while
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Very much so still an Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Our stroller should be coming in this week! I am way too excited for that!!!
March 9, 2010
Hello from Hawaii!!!!
I am taking a break from the sun to pack a little (we fly out tomorrow night) and to catch y'all up on our vacay!!!
We got in Friday around 2 and picked up our car and headed out to Ko Olina (where we are staying). We made a quick stop at Target since our hotel room is more apartment style and has a full kitchen. And you know, since I need to eat all the time - so we got some snacks, drinks, frozen pizza, etc. We got to the room and Alex immediately hit the water - he is a fish out there snorkeling! After a little swim, we came in to get ready for dinner with Ashley & Dustin! It was so good to see them!!
On Saturday we headed to the East side of the island and started out at Hanauma Bay which has great snorkeling (or so the pictures say - I sat my rather large behind on the beach and stayed there for about 5 hours). Alex got a really awesome underwater camera (well it works above water too but is a digital that you can swim with) and got some really cool pics! Here are a few:
We got in Friday around 2 and picked up our car and headed out to Ko Olina (where we are staying). We made a quick stop at Target since our hotel room is more apartment style and has a full kitchen. And you know, since I need to eat all the time - so we got some snacks, drinks, frozen pizza, etc. We got to the room and Alex immediately hit the water - he is a fish out there snorkeling! After a little swim, we came in to get ready for dinner with Ashley & Dustin! It was so good to see them!!
On Saturday we headed to the East side of the island and started out at Hanauma Bay which has great snorkeling (or so the pictures say - I sat my rather large behind on the beach and stayed there for about 5 hours). Alex got a really awesome underwater camera (well it works above water too but is a digital that you can swim with) and got some really cool pics! Here are a few:
Alex and I overlooking the Bay
The Bay
Some fish
After leaving the bay we drove along the East coast and stopped at a beach (cannot remember the name) for a little while. It was too rough to get in but was fun to watch the surfers and body boarders. We ended the night with grilled steaks, green bean bundles, twice bakes potatoes, and salad at Dustin & Ashley's - it was delish!
Sunday morning we headed back at to the East Coast but didn't stay very long due to the wind. We headed back for grilled hamburgers for lunch then Alex and I headed to see the Missouri. The weather was kind of nasty so we wanted to do something more inside/ not beachy. The Missouri was in dry dock when we were here in November so we were unable to see it then - it was really neat to tour and learn all of the history surrounding the ship. Did you know the Missouri fought in 3 wars (WWII, Korean War, and Persian Gulf War) and never lost a single sailor? Pretty neat!
Yesterday we spent some time at the lagoons by our hotel and then took a 3-4 mile hike "off the pavement". The north western most post of Oahu does not have a paved road but has a nice hike to see some hidden beaches and coves. It was beautiful but my hips felt like they were going to fall off after all of that hiking! Alex called me Granny last night because I was walking like one!
Hidden Beach
Self Portrait on Hidden Beach
(I have no clue why these aren't centered like I want them to be!)
Today we tried to go back to Hanauma only to find out (after sitting in traffic for 1.5 hours) that they are closed on Tuesday - we should have googled hours! We drove around the North east coast for a bit then headed to Electric beach - Alex snorkeled with a few sea turtles but those pictures are still on the camera. We then came back to our hotel area and snorkeled some more - I actually got in and had a good time!
We head back home tomorrow around 7pm and are sad to leave but man, I am tired! All this sun has gotten to this momma and I need a weekend full of rest!
March 3, 2010
14 week Survey
I am going to do this survey every week. As of right now, my official due date is September 1 - making my week "changes" every Wednesday. Baby B is measuring big by about 5 days but, my doctor won't change my due date. So, even though I am only 14 weeks today, baby is measuring 14 weeks 5 days!
I don't have a current picture - maybe I'll take one tonight and add it when I get home!
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 3 pounds - and I am having issues with this that I need to just get over
Maternity Clothes: Some. I can still wear some work pants and am wearing a lot of regular dresses. I only have one pair of jeans that still fit though so I think I will be all maternity soon!
Stretch Marks: None so far.
Best Moment this Week: My NT scan was last Monday and that was amazing!
Movement: None that I can feel
Food Cravings: Anything salty or cheesy (popcorn, cheddar cheese rice cakes, etc)
Labor Signs: No - and I hope to keep it that way for a while
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Very much so still and Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Tomorrow when we should have the official word on the sex of Baby B!!! Also, our babymoon to Hawaii - we leave Friday!
I don't have a current picture - maybe I'll take one tonight and add it when I get home!
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 3 pounds - and I am having issues with this that I need to just get over
Maternity Clothes: Some. I can still wear some work pants and am wearing a lot of regular dresses. I only have one pair of jeans that still fit though so I think I will be all maternity soon!
Stretch Marks: None so far.
Best Moment this Week: My NT scan was last Monday and that was amazing!
Movement: None that I can feel
Food Cravings: Anything salty or cheesy (popcorn, cheddar cheese rice cakes, etc)
Labor Signs: No - and I hope to keep it that way for a while
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Very much so still and Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Tomorrow when we should have the official word on the sex of Baby B!!! Also, our babymoon to Hawaii - we leave Friday!
Keeping True to a Promise!
So, a while ago (like almost a year ago), I promised my sweet friend Meg that I would start a blog when I had something exciting to blog about. We both knew that the "exciting" thing meant whenever I finally got pregnant (because lets face it - who really wanted to read about my not so fun journey of getting to this point? No one I tell you!) and could blog about fun baby things and all of the changes that come with adding a little one to your life.
Well, that day is here! Alex and I are currently expecting our first baby (we find out if it is a girl or boy tomorrow - hopefully) and we are due in late August! I am right around 14 weeks. Things started off a bit rocky but, as of now, all is well. I am seeing a Perinatologist (high risk specialist) due to various reasons which means I go to the doctor WAY too much but, I get to see little baby B via ultrasound every appointment!
Meg has been kindly nagging me (in her oh so sweet Southern voice) about this little blog for weeks (literally since the day she found out about this baby!) and I figured I would be a good friend and stay true to my promise.
So Meg, here is my blog! Now you will have to nag me about updating it regularly!
Well, that day is here! Alex and I are currently expecting our first baby (we find out if it is a girl or boy tomorrow - hopefully) and we are due in late August! I am right around 14 weeks. Things started off a bit rocky but, as of now, all is well. I am seeing a Perinatologist (high risk specialist) due to various reasons which means I go to the doctor WAY too much but, I get to see little baby B via ultrasound every appointment!
Meg has been kindly nagging me (in her oh so sweet Southern voice) about this little blog for weeks (literally since the day she found out about this baby!) and I figured I would be a good friend and stay true to my promise.
So Meg, here is my blog! Now you will have to nag me about updating it regularly!
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