So, I apparently have the ability to never apply sunscreen evenly. I had issues in Hawaii when I forgot to sunscreen past my ankles and ended up with super burnt feet. I also forgot a streak on my face one day and enjoyed a crispy forehead for the rest of the trip.
Well, I apparently missed my left knee today when applying at the beach. Seriously people, how to do miss your entire knee when using aerosol sunscreen? No where else is burnt but my knee. I have major issues that I need to figure out prior to Kate getting into the sun!
Here is my poor red knee - it hurts so bad!
We had a great day today in Galveston! One of the other girls there was pregnant and is due in December so we had fun talking about babies! We got to talking about where we lived in town and discovered that we are practically neighbors - she and her husband live about 2 blocks away from us! I am betting we will have strolling dates in the neighborhood if the Houston winter isn't too bad this year!
I'm so glad that Alex and I went today! We don't have many friends that have babies just yet so, it was wonderful to meet other couples that are at the same stage as we are in life right now. I have been praying for friends with kids who would understand what it is like to transition to "family" and think these new friendships may be an answer to those prayers!
May 29, 2010
May 28, 2010
Nursery Canvases!!!
I finally had time to take some pictures of the canvases that we had made for the nursery. The pictures don't do them justice - I took them during a thunderstorm tonight and we didn't have much natural light coming it at all.
Monogram that will go over the crib!!
Up close of the B canvas!
Bible verse - this looks darker/ more yellow than it actually is. I am holding it up against the wall color for the nursery.
All canvases were done by Etsy seller Posh Paints. Jennifer was wonderful to work with and did a great job taking my fabric swatches and creating beautiful art! I am so glad I stumbled upon her site one day as she creating exactly what I was envisioning!! I would highly recommend for nursery (and other) art work!
Happy Long Weekend!!!
I am so excited about this long weekend!
After our trip to Florida, I need some time to veg and rest up! While I had a great time, I am still exhausted from being on the go for so many days!
Tonight I have to run some errands and am hoping to get some pictures of the canvases for the nursery so I can share! I can hang one of them (the Bible verses) but, the monogram will have to wait until the room is cleared out and we figure out exactly where we want the crib to go. I can't want for y'all to see them - they are simply amazing!
Tomorrow we are heading to Galveston to hang out with some new friends. I have no meet these people but Alex works with one of the guys and he and his wife have invited us and another couple to their family beach house for the day. While I am not excited to meet new people at almost 7 months pregnant and wearing a bathing suit, I am excited to have a day in the sun and just get away from the city for several hours! Alex is excited to go surf fishing so, I'm hoping we have a great day!
We don't have much planned on Sunday - I know I am going shoe shopping with one of my besties. I need new shoes for my shower in June. We may also have some people over to grill out but plans haven't been finalized just yet.
Monday has been set aside for cleaning, organizing, and running errands. My nesting is in full force and I am feeling anxious to get these things done!
Also, I want to say congrats to our friends Steven & Stacey - they are getting married tonight! I hate that we aren't able to be there to celebrate with you guys but cannot wait to see pictures! I know it will be beautiful! And, I am super jealous of your Hawaiian honeymoon!!!
What are y'all doing over this Holiday weekend?
After our trip to Florida, I need some time to veg and rest up! While I had a great time, I am still exhausted from being on the go for so many days!
Tonight I have to run some errands and am hoping to get some pictures of the canvases for the nursery so I can share! I can hang one of them (the Bible verses) but, the monogram will have to wait until the room is cleared out and we figure out exactly where we want the crib to go. I can't want for y'all to see them - they are simply amazing!
Tomorrow we are heading to Galveston to hang out with some new friends. I have no meet these people but Alex works with one of the guys and he and his wife have invited us and another couple to their family beach house for the day. While I am not excited to meet new people at almost 7 months pregnant and wearing a bathing suit, I am excited to have a day in the sun and just get away from the city for several hours! Alex is excited to go surf fishing so, I'm hoping we have a great day!
We don't have much planned on Sunday - I know I am going shoe shopping with one of my besties. I need new shoes for my shower in June. We may also have some people over to grill out but plans haven't been finalized just yet.
Monday has been set aside for cleaning, organizing, and running errands. My nesting is in full force and I am feeling anxious to get these things done!
Also, I want to say congrats to our friends Steven & Stacey - they are getting married tonight! I hate that we aren't able to be there to celebrate with you guys but cannot wait to see pictures! I know it will be beautiful! And, I am super jealous of your Hawaiian honeymoon!!!
What are y'all doing over this Holiday weekend?
May 26, 2010
26 Weeks!
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 11.5 pounds as of last week - still not weighing myself at home
Maternity Clothes: All bottoms are maternity, dresses are a mix, and tops are still regular clothes!
Stretch Marks: My belly is still clear of them!
Best Moment this Week: Hanging out with my Family and finding out that the invitations for my first shower have been mailed out!
Movement: All the time!
Food Cravings: None
Labor Signs: NO!
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: The nursery art arriving and a long weekend!
May 23, 2010
May 22, 2010
Hello from Florida!!!
Hello from sunny Florida!
Here's a recap:
We didn't get to my parents house until almost midnight and I was beat. I slept so good that night - and slept until 10:15 Thursday morning - it was AMAZING to sleep that long. After waking up and getting ready we went to lunch, ran some last minute birthday errands, and got ready for dinner.
We had a family birthday dinner at The Melting Pot. Alex and I had never been and it was a fun experience. The chocolate was by far my favorite of all of the fondues.
We are having a great time hanging out with my family and celebrating my Mom's birthday! Too bad we have to leave tomorrow afternoon to head back home! While I will be sad to leave, I am excited to see my pups tomorrow!
Here's a recap:
We got in super late Wednesday night after almost missing our flight out. We got stuck in some major unexpected traffic which lead to us arriving at super long security line at IAH about 45 minutes before our scheduled departure. Thankfully, our flight was boarding a bit late so we were good (and flying first class so we didn't have to fight the masses for overhead space for our luggage).
The flight was fine - other than needing some additional lumbar support for my back. Continental has new in-flight Direct TV so I watched a movie (When in Rome - pretty cute) and then the last 15 minutes of American Idol to see who got voted out.
We had a family birthday dinner at The Melting Pot. Alex and I had never been and it was a fun experience. The chocolate was by far my favorite of all of the fondues.
The Birthday Girl and Dad at dinner!
Alex, Graham, and I - Graham is seriously cheesin' it for the camera!
My (big) little brother Justin and nephew Miles
My sister and her husband were with us as well but they managed to stay away from the camera.
Friday morning we headed to Animal Kingdom for a day of fun! It wasn't too hot which was wonderful. However, I was pretty warn out by mid day and needed a break in the shade with lots of water to catch my second wind. We rode several rides, saw several shows, and saw tons of animals. The Finding Nemo show at AK is amazing. Also, one of the big Gorillas on the African trail had a baby 11 weeks ago and she was carrying all around - it was too cute! We ate dinner at Downtown Disney and picked up a few stuffed toys for Kate at the largest Disney store in the US (and possible the world).
Taking a rest at Animal Kingdom - you need sunglasses to not be blinded by my super pale legs. (Also, I look abnormally huge here - like I am way taller than Alex or something - not sure what's up with that.)
Graham and I on the River Ride
Dad about to get soaked!
Miles waking up from his nap! And, the only picture I have of my sister - she was behind her camera most of the day!
We had plans to go play putt-putt after Downtown Disney but I literally could not move. I was exhausted, my feet hurt, and my entire body ached so we headed back home - I was asleep in the car within minutes!
We were up early this morning getting ready for Mom's party at the house. We had a Louisiana style Shrimp boil and it was yummy! No pictures because I was too busy stuffing my face!
Like I mentioned, we fly out tomorrow and I am sad this trip is coming to an end - but, I am glad to be heading home soon to see my pups and return to a normal, boring pregnant lady routine! I am exhausted from all of this excitement from the past few days!!
May 19, 2010
Three Years Ago Today...
I sat on the phone while getting my hair done talking to my groom (who was stressing me out by drinking with all of his groomsmen at the hotel pool - yep, they all had raccoon eyes)
Then, I got ready with my girls
And relaxed with a glass (or 3) of Bubbly
I wiped away a few tears in the limo
And hyperventilated my way down the aisle with a death grip on my Dad
But was instantly at peace when I held my Groom's hand for the opening prayer
I said the most amazing vows to the most amazing man
And became Mrs. Alex Louis Boggan!
We celebrated as husband and wife to the tune of a bottle of bubbly and some Maker's Mark in the limo!
Danced to Elvis
Had a blast with our friends and family
Second-lined in true New Orleans fashion
And started the life I have always dreamed of!
I love you and cannot wait to see what the next 3 years has to offer!
These are all pulled off of Facebook - sorry the quality isn't that great!
And pregnancy hormones have me crying just writing this!
Happy 50th Birthday Mom!!!
Happy 50th Birthday to the best Mom ever!!!
Lauren, Justin, and I are so incredibly lucky to be able to call you Mom! You have managed to stay sane while raising all of us and are such an amazing role model to me when it comes to learning how to be a Mom! Thank you for everything you have done for me over the past 25 years!
I can't wait to hang out over these next few days! I hope you have a great day and we'll see you tonight!
May 18, 2010
25 weeks!
Sorry for the bad iPhone picture - all of our camera batteries are currently charging in preparation for our trip tomorrow! I feel like my belly looks huge here - I guess I am growing!
This post is a day early b/c tomorrow is a big day and I already have 2 posts that will go up so, in order to not clog the blog, I am posting this tonight!
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 11.5 pounds
Maternity Clothes: All bottoms are maternity, dresses are a mix, and tops are still regular clothes!
Stretch Marks: I have not noticed any new ones - and my belly is still clear of them!
Best Moment this Week: Seeing Kate on a 3D ultrasound and looking at her chubby cheeks!!
Movement: All the time! She doesn't like it when my laptop rests on my belly and she kicks at it - last night it was bopping all over the place from her strong kicks!
Food Cravings: Blueberry cobbler on Sunday - the craving lasted about an hour!
Labor Signs: NO!
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Flying to Florida tomorrow to see my family and for my Mom's birthday!!
May 17, 2010
Today's Appointment!
I had an appointment today and it went wonderfully!
I had some nerves before this appointment - not really sure why but, I just had this feeling that I was going to get bad news. I'm so glad that my feeling was way off!
Here are the stats:
Weight gain: Up 2 pounds (so 11.5 pounds total)
Blood pressure: 110/60
Kate's weight: 1lb 12oz (which puts her in the 61st percentile for size)
My weight gain was still the most worrisome topic as I am not averaging the 1 pound per week gain that my doctor wants to see at this point. However, since Kate looks good and is growing appropriately, she isn't too worried just yet. She said we will address weight gain if Kate falls below the 50th percentile in growth as that would mean my lack of weight gaining is impacting her ability to thrive.
I had a growth ultrasound today (I get those every other appointment) and while my doctor was doing the ultrasound she flipped over to 3D! We didn't get any pictures because Miss Priss wouldn't sit still long enough to freeze a frame but, we saw her sweet face.
Baby girl is rocking some chubby cheeks that I want to pinch already!
I'm so glad everything is looking good - I go back in 2.5 weeks!
I had some nerves before this appointment - not really sure why but, I just had this feeling that I was going to get bad news. I'm so glad that my feeling was way off!
Here are the stats:
Weight gain: Up 2 pounds (so 11.5 pounds total)
Blood pressure: 110/60
Kate's weight: 1lb 12oz (which puts her in the 61st percentile for size)
My weight gain was still the most worrisome topic as I am not averaging the 1 pound per week gain that my doctor wants to see at this point. However, since Kate looks good and is growing appropriately, she isn't too worried just yet. She said we will address weight gain if Kate falls below the 50th percentile in growth as that would mean my lack of weight gaining is impacting her ability to thrive.
I had a growth ultrasound today (I get those every other appointment) and while my doctor was doing the ultrasound she flipped over to 3D! We didn't get any pictures because Miss Priss wouldn't sit still long enough to freeze a frame but, we saw her sweet face.
Baby girl is rocking some chubby cheeks that I want to pinch already!
I'm so glad everything is looking good - I go back in 2.5 weeks!
May 14, 2010
Sneak Peek!
I cannot wait to get the art work in! Here is a picture I got from the amazing woman that painted these canvases! I absolutely love them and she has exceeded my expectations! There are two more (the K and E) that I will show y'all whenever we get them to the house!
Cookie Queens
My team took a day off from the office grind yesterday and headed out into the Community to do some volunteer work. We had a great time!
We left our office around 7:45 and headed to The Center - a campus for adults that are mentally handicapped. The Center takes every level of mental handicap person and has activities for all ranges of mental capability. They even have on site work for those clients capable of doing things such as stuff envelopes, put together cardboard boxes, etc.
Every morning, around 700 clients are either dropped off by family members or bused in via the Metro bus for activities. I was astounded at the number of people that are benefiting from such an amazing center. I have several family members that are mentally handicapped and it was amazing see how a dedicated facility can better an effected person's life. I will admit that it made me a bit sad that all of my family members do not have resources like The Center available near them.
My friend/ co-worker Courtney and I snapped a picture looking super awesome in our hairnets before we got to packaging. No judging - I had to get up extra early and haven't been sleeping well - so, I apologize for my bags the size of Texas.
I am so blessed to work for a company that promotes Community Service. Over the past three years, Alex and I have dedicated funds to the UWoGH and are actively involved in leadership opportunities. We have visited multiple sites that benefit directly from our support and hope to continue to help the Houston community through donating both our time and monetary resources!
May 12, 2010
Viability!!! 24 weeks!
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Total Weight Gain: No clue - I was at 9.5 pounds at my last appointment and will be weighed again on Monday. I may start weighing at home next week if I remember to compare my weight at the doctor's office to what our scale at home says.
Maternity Clothes: All pants are maternity, dresses are a mix, and tops are still regular clothes!
Stretch Marks: No new ones - and none on the belly!
Best Moment this Week: Reaching viability. This means that from here on out, if Kate is born she actually has a chance of survival. While the percentage is low today (about 50-60%), it gets better and better each day she stays inside!
Movement: Feeling movement pretty much all day now! You can also see her kicks and rolls!
Food Cravings: None
Labor Signs: NO!
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: We have a big week ahead - our 3rd wedding anniversary, my Mom's 50th birthday, and a trip to Orlando!
May 10, 2010
Random Thoughts from a Pregnant Lady!
So, I have a bunch of random thoughts and figured I would just lump them into one big, random post!
1. The Grocery Store on Mother's Day
I am a creature of habit and do all of my grocery shopping on Sunday early in the afternoon. I have tried out many different times and days and this is the best combination for my particular store. There are always 3-4 wine tastings (which I hate to pass up these days but do), we have live music to entertain us while shopping, and there are not many people there. It makes for a wonderful experience.
I am also a big time planner and write my list out in order of the store layout and only go on aisles that have something I need. I am a serious shopper and am not afraid to run over yourunruly brat of a child sweet little one that is throwing a fit on the cereal aisle because he wants the Lucky Charms testing out how comfortable the tile flooring is. Ask my Mom - she came with me once and had a deer in headlights look the entire time - but, we got in and out with a week of groceries in about 35 minutes.
Ok, on to my latest observation. Never again will I go to the grocery store on Mother's Day. I learned the hard way that most husbands decide to give their wives a break on the big MD and let them stay home instead of brave the grocery. And they bring all of the kids with them so Mom has a few minutes of peace and quite. This leads to a very crowded grocery store filled with men and children that haven't a clue of how to efficiently shop for anything. And buggies filled with the most random crap you have ever seen.
Lesson learned, I will never shop with the husbands and kids on Mother's Day again.
2. eBay
I have never been a big time eBay shopper. That is, until I found out I was having a little girl and have visions of her only wearing smocked dresses, bubbles, and outfits for the firsts 10 years of her life (ok, not really 10 years but until she can fight me on what she does/ doesn't wear). Since Iwant to stay married and not go broke want to remain fiscally responsible, I have discovered the wonders of "New with Tags" on eBay. It is smocked clothing heaven - brand new dresses and bonnets for a mere $15. New bubbles that Kate's chubby thighs can spill out of next summer for $3 (yes, $3 - that is insane to me). So, I have officially gone crazy with my eBay bidding! We should have tons of new outfits arriving in the coming weeks and I am so excited! And, Alex is excited that I am no longer buy the $80 smocked dress that our daughter will wear one time.
3. Shower Invites
So, I am a bit of a control freak and have a Type A personality to the tee (did I really need to make that statement? I'm pretty sure everyone that has ever met me knows all of that by now). Well, because of this, I was actively involved in picking out invitations for my first shower (that will be in my hometown). I don't plan on being involved in anything else but, I love paper products and wanted a say on the invites! They are absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait for my guests to get them in the mail! I will share them after they have arrived safely to everyone invited!
4. Red Food
I realize this morning that I am apparently have a thing for red food. Case in point - my bag of goodies I packed for today: strawberries, red jello, ruby red grapefruit, and spaghetti with red sauce. I guess I crave colors?
5. Maternity Pictures
I cannot decide if they are worth it. Part of me wants pictures of Alex and I before we become a family of three and the other part of my thinks it is a waste of money to pay a professional to take pictures of my at what I hope to be my heaviest ever. Please share your opinion on this.
That's it for now...see I told you it was random!
1. The Grocery Store on Mother's Day
I am a creature of habit and do all of my grocery shopping on Sunday early in the afternoon. I have tried out many different times and days and this is the best combination for my particular store. There are always 3-4 wine tastings (which I hate to pass up these days but do), we have live music to entertain us while shopping, and there are not many people there. It makes for a wonderful experience.
I am also a big time planner and write my list out in order of the store layout and only go on aisles that have something I need. I am a serious shopper and am not afraid to run over your
Ok, on to my latest observation. Never again will I go to the grocery store on Mother's Day. I learned the hard way that most husbands decide to give their wives a break on the big MD and let them stay home instead of brave the grocery. And they bring all of the kids with them so Mom has a few minutes of peace and quite. This leads to a very crowded grocery store filled with men and children that haven't a clue of how to efficiently shop for anything. And buggies filled with the most random crap you have ever seen.
Lesson learned, I will never shop with the husbands and kids on Mother's Day again.
2. eBay
I have never been a big time eBay shopper. That is, until I found out I was having a little girl and have visions of her only wearing smocked dresses, bubbles, and outfits for the firsts 10 years of her life (ok, not really 10 years but until she can fight me on what she does/ doesn't wear). Since I
3. Shower Invites
So, I am a bit of a control freak and have a Type A personality to the tee (did I really need to make that statement? I'm pretty sure everyone that has ever met me knows all of that by now). Well, because of this, I was actively involved in picking out invitations for my first shower (that will be in my hometown). I don't plan on being involved in anything else but, I love paper products and wanted a say on the invites! They are absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait for my guests to get them in the mail! I will share them after they have arrived safely to everyone invited!
4. Red Food
I realize this morning that I am apparently have a thing for red food. Case in point - my bag of goodies I packed for today: strawberries, red jello, ruby red grapefruit, and spaghetti with red sauce. I guess I crave colors?
5. Maternity Pictures
I cannot decide if they are worth it. Part of me wants pictures of Alex and I before we become a family of three and the other part of my thinks it is a waste of money to pay a professional to take pictures of my at what I hope to be my heaviest ever. Please share your opinion on this.
That's it for now...see I told you it was random!
May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Pslam 139:13
Happy Mother's Day to all of you amazing Moms!
I am so blessed to have an amazing mother that would bend over backwards to do anything for me! She dealt with me when I was a crazy teenager and is still dealing with me today!! I am so lucky to have a mom like her. And, she is an amazing Mimi that spoils Kate rotten already!
I also have an amazing sister that is an awesome Mom! I am thankful to have someone to call while I stand on the laundry detergent aisle at Target scratching my head about which detergent would be the absolute best to wash Kate's clothes in (yes, this really did happen). I am thankful to know that I will always have someone to answer my crazy mom questions!
And, I am so thankful to my wonderful mother-in-law for raising such a great man that will be Kate's daddy! I'm thankful that she and my father in law put family first and continue to do so - and that they have added me to the family with open arms!
To all of you ladies still waiting for your miracle that will call you Mom - you are in my prayers today and always! I am praying that this will be your last Mother's Day in waiting and that your babies come some way, somehow over the next year!
Now, go celebrate your Moms!!
May 5, 2010
23 Weeks!!!
Sorry for the bad iPhone picture - I snapped this quickly yesterday and didn't want to get my big camera out (our point and shoot needed to be charged and wouldn't turn on).
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 9.5 pounds as of last week - I won't know again until May 17 (my next appointment) but I am averaging 1 pound per week these days!
Maternity Clothes: All pants are maternity, dresses are a mix, and tops are still regular clothes!
Stretch Marks: I have not noticed any new ones - and my belly is still clear of them!
Best Moment this Week: Setting the crib up, getting the car seat, and getting the bedding! Everything is starting to feel more real!
Movement: Feeling movement pretty much all day now! You can also see her kicks and rolls!
Food Cravings: None
Labor Signs: NO!
Belly Button Innie or Outtie: Innie
What are You Looking Forward to this Week: Setting the dates for my showers and reaching VIABILITY next week - that means that after next Wednesday, Kate stands a chance of survival outside of the womb. My chances of actually bringing her home will only get better and better from here on out!
May 4, 2010
My Mom is AMAZING!!!!!
I got a surprise package in the mail today! How my Mom managed to not mention that she sent a box full of bedding is beyond me seeing as we talk at least once a day but, she keep her lips sealed!!
I came home to a HUGE box and was so excited as soon as I saw the return address. It was filled with all sorts of goodies - the bumpers, drapes, sheets, tons of super soft sleepers for Kate, a personalized Nursery Rhyme Book (my Mom makes these on the side - I will have to do a post all about her business), cute burpies, and a maternity top for me! See, she is amazing!!!
I got busy trying to get the bedding on. But, let me tell you how hard it is to get bedding on a crib that doesn't have a mattress. I wanted it in the right place so supporting it with the mattress spring thing just wasn't cutting it! I managed to get in on half way decent and LOVE it! I also took one of the drape panels and made a fake crib skirt just to see what it would all look like. The skirt isn't done yet - it needs to be hemmed to the height of the crib so Mom was waiting to get the measurements from me!
So, here it is - the first glimpse of the bedding in the crib! Please note that I am bow challenged meaning I cannot tie a bow to save my life. I have a lesson on bow tying 101 scheduled during an upcoming visit to my parent's house so hopefully I will be able to re-tie everything with beautiful bows soon!
Now I just need a mattress, the skirt, a rod to hang the drapes up with, and a cleared out room (i.e. no guest bed) and I will be on my way to my, I mean Kate's, dream nursery!!!
I came home to a HUGE box and was so excited as soon as I saw the return address. It was filled with all sorts of goodies - the bumpers, drapes, sheets, tons of super soft sleepers for Kate, a personalized Nursery Rhyme Book (my Mom makes these on the side - I will have to do a post all about her business), cute burpies, and a maternity top for me! See, she is amazing!!!
I got busy trying to get the bedding on. But, let me tell you how hard it is to get bedding on a crib that doesn't have a mattress. I wanted it in the right place so supporting it with the mattress spring thing just wasn't cutting it! I managed to get in on half way decent and LOVE it! I also took one of the drape panels and made a fake crib skirt just to see what it would all look like. The skirt isn't done yet - it needs to be hemmed to the height of the crib so Mom was waiting to get the measurements from me!
So, here it is - the first glimpse of the bedding in the crib! Please note that I am bow challenged meaning I cannot tie a bow to save my life. I have a lesson on bow tying 101 scheduled during an upcoming visit to my parent's house so hopefully I will be able to re-tie everything with beautiful bows soon!
Close up
With fake skirt - the actual skirt is this fabric but is very full
and the fabric is gathered
Lovie gives her approval!
Now I just need a mattress, the skirt, a rod to hang the drapes up with, and a cleared out room (i.e. no guest bed) and I will be on my way to my, I mean Kate's, dream nursery!!!
Can You Tell a Difference?!?!
I realized this morning that I was wearing the same dress I had on for my 13 week belly picture. So, I thought I should do a comparison and did what any logical pregnant lady would - marched my pregnant self to the full length mirror in the work bathroom and took a new picture today! I made sure no one came in as to avoid getting the side eye from any of my co-workers (most of which do not know I am pregnant so they would really think I was crazy).
Can you tell a difference?
Can you tell a difference?
13 weeks
One day shy of 23 weeks
I have come to terms with the fact that I will most likely never have a big, cute bump. The grass is always greener right? The small girls want to show more and the girls showing want to show less! I will be very happy that I am tiny when it is 100+ degrees outside and I am waddling all around!
May 3, 2010
May 2, 2010
There is a Crib in My House!!
And that just seems totally crazy - yet totally awesome at the same time!
Alex and I put it together this afternoon. I wish I had more pictures of it getting put together but, the process required 4 hands and I haven't quite trained the dogs to take pictures! Here is a quick one I took with my iPhone!
Alex and I put it together this afternoon. I wish I had more pictures of it getting put together but, the process required 4 hands and I haven't quite trained the dogs to take pictures! Here is a quick one I took with my iPhone!
This is not where the crib will be - it will actually be on the wall to the right of where it is now. But, we still haven't cleared out our guest room so, a queen sized bed is still taking up the majority of the space!
You can't really tell here but, the crib is actually an antique white, not a bright white. It is so gorgeous in person and I cannot wait to get the bedding, clear the room, and see everything come together! It is exactly what I wanted and I am so glad we splurged - I know I wouldn't have been happy if I would have settled for something cheaper that didn't really match the "feel" I was going for!
May 1, 2010
More Goodies for Kate
Today has been quite the day. It started with a routine visit to the vet for Sadie's check-up and to get her vaccinations. Well, Sadie had an allergic reaction to one of the shots and we had to rush her back to the vet for some additional medication. We are thankful that she is doing much better now!
After getting Sadie settled at home and watching her for any more reactions, Alex and I went to run some errands. We ran to Baby's 1st to pick up a few goodies Kate's grandma (who still needs a cute grandma name) from Mississippi had ordered for her. We got our car seat and a sweet pink lovie bear! We love them both - thank you so much!!!
After getting Sadie settled at home and watching her for any more reactions, Alex and I went to run some errands. We ran to Baby's 1st to pick up a few goodies Kate's grandma (who still needs a cute grandma name) from Mississippi had ordered for her. We got our car seat and a sweet pink lovie bear! We love them both - thank you so much!!!
We then headed to pick up our crib - I will post all about that when we get it set up!
When we got back home we had a package waiting for us - but, neither Alex or I were expecting anything so, I was pretty curious what it was! And, oh my goodness, the sheer cuteness when I opened it was almost too much to handle! Our sweet friends Britt and Kathleen sent us the most precious monogrammed burp cloth, bib, and bloomers! I absolutely love them!
We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family that are excited for Kate!!!
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