Kate and I had a busy day today but I am realizing that Fridays are kind of hectic right now. A few reasons why:
* Kate and I are enrolled in a music class Friday mornings at 9:15. I'm learning that it is a really odd time for us - and had I known this, I probably wouldn't have signed up. Kate either wants to eat right when we need to leave the house or wants to go down for a nap about 30 minutes before we need to leave. It just makes for lots of scurrying when trying to leave the house which stresses me out.
* I enjoy the class and the music for this session. But, I miss the connections I had with the moms in our Tuesday Gymboree class. We are only in week two of the new class so maybe the friendships will form but for now, I am missing my mom friends that I don't see nearly enough now that I am back at work. Thank goodness Lori is in this class with us or I would probably quit!
* Since I can't get myself in gear before music class, Kate and I usually make a Starbucks run after we are done.
* Kate has lab appointments every Monday and Friday around 11:30 again making for weird, what can we do since we don't really have time to go home space.
*Today I thought I would get to the doctor's office early in hopes of being taken back earlier. That didn't happen. The office was crazy busy. While waiting, we sat next to a sweet boy that was probably 13 or 14. He has leukemia and was waiting to get a round of chemo. While waiting, his mom dropped his iPod and it broke - or did something weird. Either way, when it finally came back on, it said "iPod is locked for 24,362,482 minutes. No joke - 24 million minutes! Poor kid was so upset that he wouldn't have music to listen to during his treatment. Thankfully he had movies to watch on his computer. It absolutely breaks my heart that kids like him have to deal with cancer and all that comes with treating such a horrible disease.
*After we got home, Kate was way overstimulated and refused to nap - again making for weird, cranky time. She finally took a bottle and went down for a nap around 2.
*Question - moms who have babies that have already cut teeth - did your kids eat less while in the thick of cutting teeth? I can see Kate's two bottom teeth right under her gums and she has been fighting her bottles lately. I'm starting to wonder if those teeth are finally going to cut through.
*Kate was in a great mood when she woke up so we hung out on the front balcony for a bit.
Not looking at me and the camera - surprise, surprise!
This face makes me laugh so hard!
*Kate is now standing when holding on to things. She stood on the porch watching the cars, people, and dogs go by for a solid 10 minutes today!
I really hope I can figure out our mornings so that we can get off to a less stressful start on Fridays!
We have a low key weekend planned which is nice. I am getting a mani/pedi and am hoping to go visit Susannah and sweet baby Reid!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!