While planning our Disney trip, I had major anxiety about out flight. Now, I am a pro Business traveler. Pre-babies I was jet setting all over the world 90% of the time.
I can do first class, adult beverage in hand, relaxing, solo travel.
I traveled with Kate a good bit before she was diagnosed so I was also comfortable with traveling with a non-mobile baby. But the thought of traveling with two kids - a very active toddler and a baby that is rather sickly - had me downing anxiety meds
As I was browsing the internet for ideas, I came across Giggle Junction - a precious Etsy shop that makes I Spy Bags for kids. The owner, Michele, hand makes these bags in so many cute designs! We opted for the Princess Castle for Kate because she is obsess with princess and it fit perfectly with our trip to the land of magical Princesses!
These I Spy Bags are filled with objects for your child to search for and identify. Essentially, it is a much more interactive version of the I Spy books we were all raised on! Unlike a book, the I Spy Bag helps develop fine motor skills as your child sorts through the "filler" beads to find an object. They also act a type of flash card which helps your child learn new objections/ words while playing!
Kate was fascinated with her I Spy Bag when we pulled it out on the plane! She and Alex played with it for nearly 15 minutes which is HUGE for my two year old that never sits still. I wish I had pictures of Kate and her bag on the plane but I was busy attempting to get Will to sleep and couldn't find a third arm to snag a picture!
We pulled her I Spy Bag back out while riding the Magical Express to our resort and again, it was a HUGE hit.
I now keep Kate's I Spy Bag in the diaper bag! It is a great distraction when we are waiting at doctor's appointments, stuck in traffic, at the grocery store, or anywhere else where I need to
I'm excited that Michele has offered to give one of my readers their very own personalized I Spy Bag! You will be able to select your "theme" and Michele will add your child's name to the bag as well! I know y'all will love this product as much as we have!
This is my first time using Rafflecopter so please let me know if something isn't working properly!
a Rafflecopter giveaway