Who does that? Who agrees to donated to a BABY. Agrees to save a BABY'S LIFE. Agrees to a time frame. And then just backs out when it's finally time.
I am angry.
I have always been a big advocate for letting people know how huge of a decision it is to join the registry. It is not something to take lightly. It is not something you do because you hear about a sick baby. It is a LIFE LONG COMMITMENT.
I have said this many, many times and I am going to say it again:
I do not wish the hurt and pain our family is feeling right now on my worst enemy. I pray that one day families will not have to experience this type of devastation. Unfortunately, it happens all too often.
I am trying (and failing miserably) to stay positive. We've had a wonderful year and I know that my anxiety was less than it could have been because we had a donor secured. I will always be thankful for that. I was able to worry less and live more. Soak up our life and our time together.
But I am devastated. I am literally sobbing my way through this post.
Please keep Will and our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Please pray for his new donor, whom ever that may be.
Pray that we have an easy time finding Will's second donor.
Pray that their heart is fully committed to donating.
Most importantly, pray that we find them in time.

Oh I am so sorry to hear this!! I pray that a donor is found for Will. A donor that will not back out and will help your precious boy.
I am so sorry to hear that! That is terrible...oh man. Prayers for you and your sweet family.
Oh Lindsey. I am so so sorry. Prayers!!!
Sitting in a Chick Fil A with Liam, sobbing along with you. Thinking of your family.
I'm so very sorry and sad to hear this news. Praying for a donor!
I am so so sorry for sweet Will and your family.
I am earnestly praying that a new donor will be found quickly.
My heart just sank as I read this... I will deff keep you guys in my prayers.
I'll pray for you all. I'm so sorry this is happening, even though I know those words are comforting at this time. I wish I were a match. Don't give up. There's someone out there. There has to be.
Oh my goodness, praying for y'all. I cannot imagine. Please know that you're being lifted up.
I'm so sorry Lindsey. Your family is certainly in my prayers and many others.
Oh Lindsey! I am sitting her crying for you and precious Will. May God bring you peace and Will health as you search for a second donor.
Those of us who are an the registry can now pray that we get the opportunity and fortitude to help a sick person in need. Especially a baby like Will. This prayer will be on my heart. I will also pray that God gives you the grace to handle this time period. Finally, I will pray that He brings you a donor- ASAP. Bless you guys.
I can't even imagine what you guys must be going through. Sorry just doesn't seem like an appropriate response.
I'm praying for your family - that God has a better plan coming quickly.
Hold close to your faith, and I know it seems impossible - maybe pray for the person that backed out as well. It is really hard, but I did it when our birth mother backed out on us in the hospital at her baby's birth. Sometimes stretching your faith to include those that hurt us the most can lead to clarity in where God wants you to go next.
I am so sorry to hear this. Having donated myself, I know it was made perfectly clear from beginning to end that there was someone's life depending on my participation. I can only hope Will's donor had to back out for reasons beyond his control, because to back out willingly is just shocking. Will pray for you, my dear!
My heart hurts so much for you and your family Lindsay.
I am praying that a new donor is found quickly. Lots of love sent your guys' way.
I cannot imagine! I'm reading all the literature right now. It states SO CLEARLY that someones life depends on these donations. I cannot understand what would cause someone to back out this close to a donation. I am praying sooooo hard for Will's next match to come quickly and be an even better match than this person!!
I have been discussing joining with my husband, and this settles it for both of us.
Praying for God to work a miracle!!
I am so disgusted that someone would do that. I am so sorry Linds! I am praying that you guys find a match asap! Hugs to you all! xoxo
I'm so upset for you. Praying for a new donor for Will. Do more people need to be tested? Was this person just the best match for Will and there are others that have registered that will work?
In constant prayer for sweet Will. We serve a mighty God that can answer prayers.
Matthew 18:20
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
We are all coming together and believing for a miracle for Will!!
Praying for your family, Lindsay! My cousin passed away from leukemia because he couldn't find a donor, and although we weren't close, I know how hard it was. Stay positive, and remember God doesn't send you anything you can't handle!
I'm so sorry! Praying for you all.
Lindsey, my heart hurts for you. I saw you talk about this on Twitter this afternoon briefly, and reading this just makes it worse. I can't imagine the feeling you must have in your gut, in your heart, about this. Praying.
I'm so sorry :( I hate this. Big prayers!!
Oh Lindsey. I am so so sorry. I am fervently praying for Will and you all. Hate this for you all :(
I cannot fathom why anyone would do that - maybe there were extenuating circumstances, not that that makes the situation any better. I pray that you find a new donor soon and that everything works out for Will. Maybe God knows something we don't and there's a reason this is happening the way it is.
I can not imagine why anyone would do that and I can't imagine the emotions you and your family are experiencing. I am so sorry your having to deal with this. I pray a donor is found quickly and that person is dedicated.
That is horrible. And this is why i have not joined yet, I knew we woudl be TTC for #2 and I would nurse for a year. After that is over, I'll join.
Praying for your family...
I am heartbroken for you and your family. I am also furious that someone would back out of this obligation at the last minute. Prayers of strength to the family as you search for (and find) a new donor.
Im more than willing to see if im a match. I do have 2 little ones, but I have all the help in the world with them. I read the marrow.org site about donation, down time/recovery, travel, etc. I know I dont everything about the process, but I wouldnt back out. Im new to this, so im going to read about where I go to find out if im a match. I pray i am.
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