William Emmett was born just after 9am this morning weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 inches long! He looks just like his big sister but has a bit more hair than she had at birth.
About an hour after Will was born he started having some minor breathing issues. We also received his CBC results around that same time and his platelet count is very low. These two issues landed him in the
NICU. Alex is with him (our NICU has all private rooms) while I sit in a hospital room by myself unable to move due to my c-section.
We'd appreciate any and all thoughts and prayers for Will. I'd love nothing more than to have him back in my room with me!
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Congrats, he's beautiful! I'll pray right now.
Congratulations! Best wishes for the little guy.
Congrats! Thinking of you and Will!
Praying for Will and the entire family. I'm happy that you did'nt have any complications with your c-section.
Awww! Congrats. HE is HANDSOME!!
CONGRATS!!! omg he's huge! our little girl was 3 lbs when she was born!
Oh My! I didn't expect to see this post soo soon! Congrats and I will pray for a quick recovery for both you and baby Will!
Congratulations on your boy! I will be praying for your speedy recovery and for Will to stay strong.
He is just perfect! Sending thoughts, prayers and hugs! Hoping for a quick rcovery for you so that you can start taking care of that sweet baby boy! Now get some rest :)
Big prayers mama!!! I hope you have him back in your arms soon!
Congrats, mama! He is beautiful. Hope he is back in your room ASAP!
Congrats! He is beautiful. Hope he goes back to your room ASAP!
Congratulations momma! He is just perfect! You are all in my thoughts and prayers
Congratulations! Saying a prayer for you and your family that he will be able to join you soon! Also, that you will have a gentle recovery...
Congratulations!!! Lots of prayers coming your way!!!
Congratulations! He's absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy for you. I hope he's out of the NICU and back with you soon.
Congratulations! Prayers being sent!
Congratulations on your miracle boy! Prayers being sent your way!
Congratulations! Prayers being sent!
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy!!! Sending prayers and hugs your way!!
What a sweet pea! Congrats and hang in there, lady!
Congrats! Will def be praying that he is in your arms soon!
Congratulations!! Praying that you are all together soon!
Congratulations, and Happy Birthday, William! Best wishes to you all.
He is absolutly gorgeous! CONGRATS! :) Prayers are for sure being said.
Aww he is adorable!! Congrats! Sending prayers....hope he is out of the nicu and in your arms asap! And a fast recovery from that c-section....those are such a bull... But worth it ; ). Congrats family!!! Aww and big sister Kate!! Can't wait to see those pics!
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