
November 19, 2011

Baby Bump! And Big Sister Cuteness!

I don't think I've posted a belly picture yet!  There's not much to see these days but, Tuesday I was a bit more bloated than normal and actually looked slightly pregnant!

I'm 18 weeks now and still struggling with weight gain.  I am still under my pre-pregnancy weight (which was already under my pre-Kate weight) despite the fact that I've started to feel a bit better.  I eating (whatever I want and tons of high calorie items) yet still losing weight.  Stress is probably the culprit but, I'm curious to see what my doctor has to say on Monday - and excited to see Will's sweet face - I have a big level 2 ultrasound and should get a few 3D images too!

I'm dying to really start showing! 

And here is big sister last week!  I can't leave her out!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Megan and David said...

You look very cute, yet I am a little worried about your weight loss : ( I hope your doc can help you figure something out.

And sweet KK is cute as always!!

Lindsey said...

You look amazing! And Kate- my goodness she is the cutest!! Hope you're both feeling great! :)

Wendy said...

Very cute! I'm sure Will's getting everything he needs from you!!

Leigh-Ann said...

Aww, youre so tiny! And you deserve to be excited about this pregnancy. I cant wait for you to start showing either!

mommy baum said...

very cute ;) your bump is adorable, and so is Miss Kate! wishing all the best for your sweet family....happy holidays!

Grace said...

I found your blog awhile back when I was going thru IVF. My son and Kate are only about a week apart. I am so happy for you! Kate looks so much like a little toddler!

Anonymous said...

What a great, crisp photo of Kate! Love it.

Sorry to hear you're losing weight and so stressed out. Prayers.

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am SO behind in the blog world!! I had no idea you were pregnant! Congratulations!!!! Kate is such a cutie pie too :)

Heather said...

Love your little bump!

Courtney said...

What a cute little bump little Will has given you. Don't stress too much about the weight, you are doing the best you can given what you are going through. Also, it is so nice to see Kate looking healthy and gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow...It's been a while since I've peeked in on you! Congratulations on your new gift :) I was reading up on your previous post... I feel such a connection to you. Our diagnosis is also autosomal recessive inheritance. We found out through trials that my son had LAD -but- I had an amnio to learn my baby would have it.
Kate is beautiful... it looks like she didn't completely lose her hair - or else, it's growing in beautifully! :)
I will continue to pray for Kate & will add Will in too... Many Blessings & Happy Thanksgiving to yall!!

NoPermanentAddy said...

You look great, Kate is adorable, and I need to know where that sweater is from ASAP!

Mrs Nautical Belle said...

your bump is too cute!


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