
July 24, 2012


*Sometimes I think I was totally made to parent 2u2. Yes there are days when I want to pull my hair out and run to the nearest bar for a drink.  But? Most of the time I really feel like I rock this gig.  Kate is thriving, Will is awesome, my laundry is done, and my house is relatively clean (thanks to an awesome cleaning lady). I really can't imagine my life without two sweet babies!

*Magnum ice cream bars are amazing.  And the reason why I cannot lose this extra baby weight I gained back.  The double caramel thing? Or whatever it is called.  HEAVEN. Seriously. Go buy them NOW.

*That 5K I was training for? Yeah I'm still registered but I have not been running at all.  When my toddler sleeps until 8ish I refuse to wake her up so I can squeeze a run in before it becomes hotter than you know where outside.  Thankfully my bestie will be pretty pregnant by the time of the race so I can keep her company since I most likely won't be in any shape to run a 5K while pushing two children and a heavy stroller.

*I am in full on party planning mode for Kate's 2nd birthday party.  We are trying to keep in small but in reality I am pretty much going all out.  Her first birthday party was cancelled due to chemo/ hospitalization/ transplant so this is super important to me.  Add in the fact that we are also celebrating her one year post transplant anniversary and I am all about this party.

*I am way too excited about the Olympics.  Like, reorganized my kids' closets so that all red/white/blue clothing was in the front so that we can support Team USA.  Smocked flag outfits are ready and waiting for Friday - because who doesn't need to be covered in American flags for the Opening Ceremonies??

*I bought boxed wine this week (Bota Box Pinot Grigio) and it is actually super tasty! I can thank my father in law for converting me over to the white wine side for the summer.  And every time I have a glass (or three) I think of this sweet lady and her love of boxed wine!

*I am pretty sure that me and a friend are going to run the Color Run Houston in November!  I keep seeing awesome pictures from this "run" and I really want to be a part of it!

*Has anyone noticed how every FB sale site is all about fall/ winter clothing? This stresses me out. Thanks to twitter I know I am not alone but man, it is 100+ degrees here.  How can I possibly be thinking about smocked Christmas clothes? Add in the fact that if I don't but RIGHT NOW my poor children will be left without anything to wear come the holiday season.

*I think that is enough of my randomness published for the world to see! Clearly my mind is all over the place these days!


Shannon Dew said...

Yay for box wine! Although you bought the fancy pants one ;)
And K totally deserves a big over the top party! Go all out mama!!

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

I hope I can rock momming 2 like you do ;)

Brittany said...

Linds, you are rocking the 2u2 thing! I'm super excited to see how everything comes together for Kate's birthday, I'm sure it will be amazing! And agreed on fall/winter clothing, I'm already putting orders in for pjs...who am I!

Lucy Marie said...

Teach me all of your 2U2 ways! So far, since I've been on my own, the transition has actually been way easier/smoother than I expected. But, I'm still in the honeymoon phase. I hope I can handle the next few months with as much grace as you do :)

Also, GO ALL OUT FOR THAT PARTY, Momma! That little girl deserves to have her life celebrated in a big way :)

DD said...

Hello! Found your blog through another friends' blog. You definitely should do the Color Run. I did my first 5k ever just last month and it was the Color Run in Kansas City. Best. Time. Ever. Truly the happiest 5k on the planet. Although I can't compare it to any other one, since it was my first, but it was fantastic. You won't be sorry!

DD said...

Hello! Found your blog through another friends' blog. You definitely should do the Color Run. I did my first 5k ever just last month and it was the Color Run in Kansas City. Best. Time. Ever. Truly the happiest 5k on the planet. Although I can't compare it to any other one, since it was my first, but it was fantastic. You won't be sorry!

Happiness Is... said...

Color run looks so fun!

And, I agree on the 2nd - go all out, girl! Birthdays are meant to be celebrated!

As for the clothes, do not stress. There is not a shortage of smocked clothes or holiday outfits and honestly? Some of the smaller boutiques/brands (there is one in particular I can send you) are more original and cute. Some of the mass produced stuff is crap and then your kid just looks like everyone else. There will be pumpkins for sale in October, I assure you!!

Allie said...

You are rocking out 2u2 mama!! High five! I have been wanting to try Bota Box and now I want to even more!! Hope all is well! xoxo

Shannon said...

Even though I have don't have 2U2, it's pretty darn close- and I totally hear what you are saying. We have to down to a science- my house is clean (although I do have to give credit to my cleaning lady as well!) and everyday seems to pretty much go off without a hitch, but I do understand that need to drink wine!!
As for smocked fall clothes- I'm with you! I was so stressed out about it- until I just gave in and started ordering stuff- I just ordered two holiday dresses- sometimes you just gotta go with it! Good luck with Kate's party- should be super fun- you guys deserve a big celebration!

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