
September 7, 2010

What we've been up to!

I haven't blogged in a while!  Here's what's been going on in the B household!

We tried out our Moby

Stuck out our tongue to tummy time

Got in some Daddy cuddle time

Napped in the swing

So Momma could bake some yummy banana bread

We've had a good weekend! 

K is having some issues with spitting up so we are switching to formula #4.  After our Pediatrician appointment last week, we switched to Enfamil Gentlease ready to feed (meaning pre-mixed).  K has been doing really great on it gas wise but, has started to spit up after every feeding.  So, we talked to the doctor this morning and she has suggested we change to Enfamil AR.  Apparently it is thicker and should help with her spit ups.  We go back to the doctor next week and will discuss starting reflux medication if things aren't looking up.

Other than the belly issues, things really are good!  I am home by myself for the first time today and we are having a great time!  I've done everything for K and still have had time to do laundry, clean the kitchen, and eat (that is a big deal - I forget to eat these day).

I'm starting to feel like I just might survive - and even be good at - this whole stay at home mom thing for the next 6.5 months!  Going back to work is not going to be fun...


Lindsay said...

Love the sticking the tongue out pict. Too cute!

shay said...

Glad things are going well!! Super cute pics!! How did you like the Moby? I cannot wait to try it out!

Lindsey B said...

I am still learning with the Moby. It will be great for around the house but it way too hot to wear outside now.

I am looking into getting another carrier that I am more comfortable wearing out (like an Ergo).

Momma Wilson said...

She is so cute! I wish I would have tried a carrier when Jackson was little. By the time I tried ours, he was too heavy and hurt my back!

Megan and David said...

So cute! I'm glad you had a good first day home alone together. Paige and I got into a great routine and I love our time together.

I hope the new formula works. We had to use ready to feed because Paige got too gassy on the powder. More expensive, but totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

Breastfed babies are much less likely to have digestive problems. Too bad you didn't do that for your baby.

Lauren said...

Hey anonymous -
Don't criticize non-breastfeeding mothers. You don't know why decisions were made and personally, it's none of your business. And just for the record, breastfed babies do have digestive issues as well. And in this particular case, breastmilk wouldn't be a solution to reflux.
And why don't you grow up and identify yourself.
A hormone deficient low milk producing mom of 2 healthy boys

~Brit said...
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~Brit said...

I had to rethink my post...

I'm so glad you're doing well at being a stay at home mom. Watch out!! That's what happened to me and I absolutely refuse to go back to work unless necessary. Now, to "anonymous"...

How dare you even go there. You never know a person's reasons for the decisions he/she makes. We all know the breast feed/ bottle feed argument but ultimately, it is that person's choice. Nothing you say or do will change it. You taking the chance to educate is one thing, you belittling a person for not making the decision you would is another.

Angela said...


I've been loving all the baby K updates, she is such a doll. I just kept forgetting to actually follow. Hope y'all are doing well!


Beanie said...

Great job on the Moby!! I tried this weekend and it didn't look anything like yours (which is exactly right).

What am I doing wrong?

Other than trying to do it with a giant pregnant belly, that is.

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