
February 19, 2011

Happy Half Birthday, Kate!!!

I simply cannot believe that half of Kate's first year of life is over. 

Where has the time gone?

How is it possible that my little baby is growing up so quickly?

Kate enjoyed playing a rattle while I was taking her picture today.  I'm learning to pick my battles with my strong willed child as no rattle = screaming baby!

As you can tell, Kate is finally putting on some chub!  Six month stats are as follows:

Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces
Length: 25.5 inches
Head Circumference: 17 inches

She is finally moving up on the growth chart for weight!!  She has packed on almost 1.5 pounds in a month!  Way to go baby girl!!!

Kate is also exceeding her milestones!  We have quite the overachiever on our hands (just like her momma and daddy)!

*Kate has mastered the art of sitting unassisted and loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys!
*She is rolling and/ or army crawling everywhere.  She definitely gets what she wants, when she wants it now that she is more mobile.
*Crawling is days away as she rocks on all fours multiple times a day!
*She is eating solids twice a day and loves veggies!  She hates fruits but will eat green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and sweet peas all day long!
*We have a very vocal little girl on our hands!  Kate "talks" 
*Kate is turning a corner on the sleep front and is giving up much longer stretches in her crib these days.  Her 6 month shots have set us back a bit but, I have a feeling that she will be consistently sleeping through the night very, very soon!

Here are a few more pictures from our 6 month photo shoot today!

We have lots of changes happening in the next few weeks!  Kate's nanny starts on Tuesday and I go back to work (part time) on March 1.  I am very nervous, anxious, and sad to return to work but I know Kate will be in good hands!


Christie said...

I can't believe she's 6 months old today! And GO KATE on all the mastered milestones! Before you know, you'll be chasing her all throughout the house! :)

I'm so happy you found a worthy nanny. I'll bet that will take a lot of the stress out of going back to work!

Max said...

Seriously, where does the time go???? Kate rocks!

Syl said...

Weren't we all just pregnant last week? How is your kid already 6 months old? She is seriously adorable and I love those big eyes too. Happy half year birthday to Kate!

KariBeth and Josh Gentry said...

Lila was 6 months before she was consistently sleeping through the night also! It was a long hard road, but now it's great and Kate will get there too!! I'm glad she is gaining weight so well now! She is still cute as ever and I LOVE the outfits that you put her in!!

nikinikinine said...

Happy Half Birthday sweet girl! Good luck with your soon-to-be-crawler mama!

SWV said...

I can't believe I missed this post! I was actually thinking about how she was going to be 6 months old the other day. You know, she and my sister have the same birthday so it's easy for me to remember! Happy 6 months little Kate, you just get more beautiful by the day! <3

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