
April 11, 2011

Multipurpose Toy

Now that Kate no longer wants to be trapped in the circle of neglect her exersaucer, she has discovered that it is super fun to climb under/ around/ on!

This is the toy that keeps on giving!  Best $60 I've ever spent.

Don't forget to enter my Pear Tree Greetings giveaway!  And, spread the word, Christie and I will be hosting our first ever joint giveaway starting Wednesday.  Here's a hint - all cloth diapering moms will be very excited about this (and I need Christie's help because I know nothing about CDing!)


kim said...

We loved it too!!!

Anonymous said...

such a cute pic!

Shannon said...

So cute! She looks so busy under there :)

Megan and David said...

LOL!!! I love the circle of neglect. We actually have quite a few ways to neglect our kids in our house : )

She is such a cutie, as always.

Nicole said...

She is seriously the cutest!

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