It felt almost like the "old days" before she was admitted! She even slept in her crib from 8pm-7:15am!
In honor of a "normal" day, we had photo shoot - much like we would do prior to the hospital! Kate hammed it up and it felt wonderful to pull my camera out and be a little bit creative. I even edited pictures last night - that's big since I am so far behind on August and September pictures!
So, here is my happy girl!!
She decided to turn her nose up at something!
Back to smiles!
Love her expression here! Confession - I totally missed focus on this shot but Kate's expression was to cute to disregard the picture all together. So, I hid a lot of my mistakes by converting the picture to black and white. By no means perfect but still pretty cute!
Peace out, mom! I'm done with pictures!
On the recovery front, today is day +38! Kate is doing pretty good - still very reliant on platelet transfusions and red blood transfusions. I'm hoping we will start to see her platelets rebound soon! Her appointment yesterday went well. We had to see a wound care specialist though. Kate's skin is SO sensitive and the dressings from her central line are causing pretty bad skin break down. One spot was not looking good at all so we met with wound care and have a new plan for her dressings. Hopefully her skin will start to heal and we can avoid infection as that would mean a trip back to the hospital.
Also, I found out yesterday that Kate's blood type will change to her donor's blood type. It makes perfect sense but I'd just never thought about it. It is apparently a gradual change but, over time, my B+ baby will become A+. I am fascinated by the little things I keep learning about the bone marrow transplant process!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. It is currently raining which is such a God send. Texas is having one of the worst droughts ever right now and we need all the rain we can get!

She is so precious. That's fascinating about the blood type. What a miracle baby she is. :)
Those pictures are just gorgeous!!
What a happy baby you have on your hands right now :) What a relief I am sure!
Praying for infection stay away, and for Kate's health to continue to improve!!
That b&w photo is absolutely wonderful!
beautiful pictures!! LOVE that smiley Kate!
Love the pictures! So glad that Kate is doing well. :)
Those green eyes are stunning! Glad to hear she's doing better :)
LOVE the pics you took of Miss Kate! I will have to hire you to take some of Caleb before we leave! Glad she had such a good day! Miss you guys!
Wow, great pictures and good news! Interesting to hear about the blood type. Thanks for sharing all of her progress.
she is a beautiful girl!
i've just spent some time catching up on y'alls story and wow, you are an incredibly strong lady. and that girl of yours is such a miracle! will be keeping her healing in my prayers.
Linds she looks great. You have been in my prayers. I need to talk to you soon!! I miss my Houston Mamas!! xoxo
She is so adorable!
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