Oh how I miss my squishy, cuddly baby!! She was SO tiny in these pictures - under 6 pounds!
Kate did great with the biopsy today! We do not have results (and won't until Monday) but we are very thankful she was able to come home as there was talk of a weekend hospital stay. We greatly appreciate the prayers!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! We will be celebrating my wonderful husband's birthday!!

Still praying for you all...
I adore that picture! Glad today went well, and I hope the news on Monday is good!
What a cutie! I love squishy little newborn pics. Glad to hear Kate did great today, praying for good news all around for you guys!
Too funny that your husband's birthday is this weekend. My husband's is this Sunday!
I have always LOVED that pic of Kate! So precious. I am so happy that y'all can spend the weekend at home!
What a cute picture!!!! I'm glad she did great with the biopsy!
That picture is amazing! So precious. Praying for that sweet girl!
Sending prayers that the biopsy results come back favorable! Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating your husband's birthday and I must say that picture of Kate is absolutely precious!! So beautiful! :)
What a truly adorable photo! Prayers are being sent your family's way!
I remember that picture! So dang cute!!
Continued prayers for your family. Kate seems like such a strong little girl, she will get through this with flying colors.
Found your blog over the weekend and have just finished reading all the posts about the journey you've been on with your sweet little Kate. I've already been swabbed, but if I hadn't, you would have definitely motivated me to get right on it.
Will be praying for your sweet little girl. I can't imagine what you're going through.
God bless!
So so cute!! Happy Birthday to your hubs!! :)
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