I'm also certain our weekend in Disney World with my family will be the best medicine for my soul. Six days. I cannot wait.
So here's a snippet of what we've been up to this month!
Hanging out at TCH
Will was such a trooper hanging out at the hospital all day! Thankfully Natalie and Colt had an appointment as well so we had friends to keep us occupied during all of the waiting that comes with the GFR (blood draws happen 1, 2, and 4 hours after a medication is injected via IV).
Kate also had a great nurse in Nuclear Medicine that really kept Kate calm and included her in everything that was going on! Kate even got to flush her own IV! I obviously have spent a decent amount of time at a Children's Hospital and can confidently say a good pediatric nurse can make a scary situation no big deal for a child. I'm realizing this more and more the older Kate gets - she is now totally aware of what is happening and I love that a good nurse will involve her and talk her thought whatever is about to happen!
While we were at the hospital, Kate received a package from her donor! We hadn't heard from him since November so I was starting to think (and obviously respect) that he may want to remain anonymous. I was so excited when our donor coordinator called to let us know Kate had a something waiting!
Words cannot even express how amazing it was to open gifts and letters from her donor and his family. She received a book with a note, a letter from the donor's mom, a letter from her donor, and a stuffed fox and baby fox. In our last letter to him Kate told him all about how much she loves the zoo and talked about some of her favorite animals. Her donor replied back and told Kate all about his favorite animal - the fox. Kate loves her fox and baby fox and has slept with them every night since receiving them! I am praying that he fills out his disclosure papers so that we can learn who he is!
Early Mornings
These two cuties have decided that 6am is an acceptable wake up time. This momma is NOT a fan. At all. Especially since Will is up every 2-3 hours at night. Where did my good sleeper go? I'd like him back.
I let Kate watch Mickey in our bed one early morning and now I think she wakes up early for the sole purpose of coming to cuddle in our bed and watch TV. I've been seriously limiting her TV lately so I am confident she is taking advantage of her free TV pass in the wee hours of the morning!
Enjoying the Weather
We have been enjoying the "fall" weather here in Houston. I use the word fall very loosely as we are still hitting 90 nearly every day. Fall here means it doesn't hit 90 before 10am. This is huge to us and we are taking advantage of time at the park without dying of heat stroke!
There is an awesome park in the Heights (about 5 minutes from our house) that we've been going to on the weekends. Due to the layout of the park, I can't really take the kids by myself but we love going as a family! Kate loves that "bubbas" can swing right next to her and Will loves falling asleep in the swings!
Also? I'm learning to let go a bit in the clothing department. This sparkly Minnie shirt? Um, it's not quite my style. But Kate picked it out and was dying to wear it...in public. So I swallowed my pride and let her!
We've spent several days at our "go to" park as well! I love that I can take both kids by myself and that we can all burn off some energy! Kate looks so big to me in these pictures. Maybe it's the dress? Or just that she is actually becoming quite the little girl!
(We are working on sliding like a lady. Clearly Kate hasn't gotten the memo that her knees are friends just yet.)
And don't even get me started on Will. Sitting up on a slide? STOP! I cannot take that he looks so much older than 5 months! I need him to stay little forever!
We've been busy!
I've slacked off on our Facebook Page (link) lately but have promised myself to update with pictures over there while we are at Disney. I have zero intentions of blogging while in Orlando but I thought posting a few pictures on FB and Instagram would be a fun way to share the magic so be sure to follow me both places!

Huh, I didn't realize there would be official disclosure paperwork. Good to know today- it is one year exactly since my PBSC donation!
Love the pics and the update. I'm so excited for you guys about your trip. So fun!
That is awesome about the nurse Kate had. I wish all nurses were like that...pediatric or not.
I still can't believe Will started sitting up so early! Little stinker. ;)
Praying for you, friend.. and your beautiful little family. I do have to say, I giggled a little when you wrote, "she doesn't quite know that her knees are friends yet.." Ha!! I love that.. Oh, the joys of raising a girl! So cute!
praying for you and your family love. drop me a line if you even need to vent. the anxiety mess hits way too close to home with this girl.
and what a sweet package from her donor. he seems like such an amazing guy.
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