
October 23, 2012

Catching up

I guess I technically "fell off" the 31 day bandwagon! Oops! I will say, while I am behind SEVERAL days of blogging for this challenge, I have only missed TWO days of pulling out my big camera to capture memories. This is HUGE for me! So I guess I can say the challenge has infiltrated my life - I just haven't been able to fulfill the blogging aspect (which is pretty much the point but I'm trying to justify my lack of documenting here).

We have been busy over here.

Will was sick again last week which had us at the pediatrician multiple times. Poor buddy just can't seem to have more than a handful of days where he is well before getting taken down by something else. Thankfully he is starting to feel a bit better and actually slept Sunday night! I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing 11 straight hours of Will asleep in his crib was.

Seriously. Amazing.

Kate is cracking me up while simultaneously making me want to rip my hair out these days! Last week she laid down on her belly, spit on the floor, and said "Yook momma! I a baby! I pit up like bubba!" Explaining that bubba cannot control spitting up but she can control (and is not allow to) spitting on the floor is a hard concept for a 2 year old to grasp.

Today at the park Kate walked over to a tower thing (great explanation, right?) and starting saying "Punzel house!" over and over. I was confused for a few minutes and then realized that the tower did kind of resemble the tall tower/ house Rapunzel lives in. Kate then started calling for Punzel to drop her "hur" so Kate could go see her. The minds of toddlers amaze me! So imaginative and innocent!

We celebrated Colt's birthday this weekend which meant Kate attended her first post transplant birthday party! She was SO excited about it and ran around the house saying "I cited! TayTay cited! Colty bir-day party! We jump! Yay! Mon momma! Yet's go!" Needless to say, she had a blast at the bounce house with her precious friend!

We carved a pumpkin. A quickly realized that we are not talented enough to do said activity. I have pictures. Just wait. Y'all will laugh so hard when you see our pitiful jack-o-lantern!

I just finished the first book of the Mind Jack Trilogy (Open Minds is book one) and I LOVED it! I can't wait to start book two during nap time today!

I'm hoping to catch up on 31 day pictures, Disney pictures, and regular blogging this week! I also have a fun review/ giveaway coming up so stay tuned!


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