Will was admitted Saturday morning after blood cultures, taken at clinic Friday morning, tested positive for a bacterial blood infection. We received the "he needs to be admitted ASAP" call around 8am and Will was in a room, having cultures taken, and IV antibiotics started by 9:30. Clearly they were not messing around!
Will had a very had week last week - he was irritable, not sleeping, and just not himself. After a week of this, we finally took blood cultures and ran viral screenings at clinic Friday. As I mentioned, those cultures came back positive.
There has been some "drama" regarding our stay so far. A float nurse was assigned to Will Saturday night and she failed to follow hospital policy which resulted in contaminated blood cultures. She also did not handle his lines properly and ended up rupturing one of his lines. We spent all day Sunday dealing with line repairs, unclotting the line, etc and were finally able to get IV antibiotics started in the lumen that was ruptured.
As of now we are in a watch and wait situation. If Will's cultures come back negative today and tomorrow, we will be able to keep his lines in and just do a 10 day round of IV antibiotics. However, if his cultures continue to come back positive he will have his lines surgically removed, an IV placed for 3 days, then go back to the OR to have new lines put in.
Obviously we would like to avoid two surgeries but we also do not want to keep contaminated lines in him as that is not good at all. Hopefully we will know more by mid-day today when his latest cultures come back.
Another thing we are waiting on is information regarding the bacteria present. A positive culture just means bacteria has been detected. Now we have to wait for that bacteria to be identified so we can adjust antibiotics to treat the specific bacteria. The strand of bacteria identified will depend on the length of his hospital stay. It looks like we will definitely be here until Friday or Saturday but there is a big chance we will have to do all 10 days of IV antibiotics in the hospital which would put us here until August 13 or 14.
I will keep everyone posted as we know more. The easiest way for me to share the latest information is on the blog Facebook page (link) as I can quickly update from my phone!
On top of Will's infection, Kate is sick, and our dog Sadie has an eye injury! Needless to say, Alex and I are both spread thin and exhausted!
We appreciate thoughts and prayers as Will navigates this post transplant complication!

I am thinking about you guys all the time! Huge hugs!
Praying for the entire family. I know a special little girl has a birthday this month so hopefully everyone will be well and home by then. (((HUGS)))
Praying for you all.
Praying for you all.
Sending many many prayers your way! I am so so sorry that you are going through this. Prayers for Kate, for you, for Will, for your husband, your dog, and all the caretakers that are in charge of making things better....
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