
August 10, 2013

Surgery Today & Monday

After a week of back and forth, many line repairs, many uses of a declotting agent, and many moments of utter frustration at the state of Will's central line, the decision has finally been made to pull his lines and start new. I won't lie, my level of annoyance and frustration regarding how long it took to get all of Will's medical team on board with a line repair was extremely high. The "yes he is having surgery in the morning/ surgery has been canceled" rollercoaster is draining. But, after his lines broke, yet again, yesterday the call was made to pull them.

Will is having surgery this morning to remove his current central lines. The interventional radiology team that placed his lines in coming in on their day off to remove them thanks to nee hospital policy that says the group that placed the line must remove it. Since they are coming in on their day off, we aren't exactly sure of surgery time, just that it will be sometime this morning. Seeing as it is already 9am and we haven't heard a thing, I'm guessing their morning and my morning are not the same thing! Ha!

Due to the line infection Will has been battling all week, they will not be able to place a new line today. A peripheral IV was placed yesterday and another will be placed while he is under anesthesia this morning just as a "safety" in case his first IV gives out as he still has to get his IV antibiotics to treat the infection.

At some point on Monday (we don't have a time yet) Will will have a PICC line placed instead of another central line. I've never dealt with PICC lines so this is a new animal to me! But PICCs are less invasive and easier to place. Hopefully Will does well with this type of line and I can keep him from pulling it out! PICCs are not surgically tethered like central lines are, and they are placed in the arm, so I have a huge fear that Will is going to tug on his line until it slides right out!

If everything goes well, we should be discharged on Wednesday! I am so ready to be out of this hospital! Will is on contact isolation (meaning he cannot leave his room) due to rhinovirus and we are both getting cabin fever! We are ready to be home with Kate and Alex!!

I will keep everyone posted as best as I can - and again, I will for sure update the blog Facebook page (link) much more "real time" as Will is taken back to the OR ad comes out of surgery. 

As always, we are so thankful for all of the thoughts and prayers being sent out way! I'm praying this is Will's first, and last, post BMT bump in the road


Temmie said...

I'm a long time lurker. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck with all the surgeries and Will's recovery. My son had to have a PICC line for a different reason when he was 4 months old. We cut the bottom of a sock off and slipped the top over the PICC line so he couldn't snag or tug on it. Just a helpful hint we received that might work for you too.

Joymariecooks said...


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