
January 9, 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy

Kate had a bone marrow biopsy on Friday (Jan 7) to hopefully give us some more answers about what is going on with her blood levels.  We've been testing for numerous things for almost 2.5 months now and her hematologist thought this was the best next step in hopes of getting answers.

We arrived at the Texas Children's surgery center around 8am for check in.  We made a pit stop at the Starbucks to grab a coffee only to  be told that food & drinks were not allowed in the waiting area.  I should have known that since all of the kids waiting have to be NPO for surgery. 

I was worried how Kate was going to do without eating (she was allowed a 3am bottle and then nothing else) but she was a champ!  She played with Alex while waiting.

And then took a nice little nap!

She woke up just in time to be taken back for vitals and to change into her hospital attire. 

After they took her vitals, we had to wait in another waiting area.  Texas Children's has fish tanks (real and fake) all over the place and Kate loves them!  She spent almost 30 minutes staring at this bubble tank that had plastic, swimming fish inside.

We met with the anesthesiologist and the hematologist doing the biopsy (Kate's doctor wasn't available but her mentor was).  They had to use general anesthesia given Kate's age and size.  After going over the details of the procedure, I had to hand Kate over.

That was one of the hardest moments of my life thus far.  Thankfully she was sleeping when I put her in the anesthesiologist arms but man, it sucked.  And I cried.  And Alex told me to keep it together.  I failed at that though.

Kate's IV was started once she was under.  I am so glad about this because it took them a while it get it started.  They tried her neck, both hands, and two different veins in her right foot before finally getting it started in her left foot.  Poor girl was blessed with momma's crappy veins and is so bruised from all of the attempts.

We were told the procedure would take no longer than an hour.  Well, after 1 hour 15 min, I was totally freaking out.  Why was she still back there?  Did something go wrong?  I lost it again in the parent waiting area as we sat there, without any information, waiting.  Thankfully, about 15 minutes post my freak out, they called us back.

When we got to the recovery area, a wonderful woman was holding Kate and rocking her.  I had been so worried that she was going to wake up in one of those horrible hospital cribs scared and alone. So to see someone comforting my sweet girl was such a relief. 

I hugged that women so tight before scooping up my baby girl.  And, of course, I cried again when she was back in my arms. 

Kate had a really hard time coming out of the anesthesia.  She was very agitated and mad - at one point her heart rate got up to 225.  But, she calmed down, drank a bit of pedialyte, and was finally ready to come home. 

The doctor got a great biopsy for all of the tests they need to run which is wonderful!  Often times biopsy have to be conducted multiple times on little babies to get a good sample - I'm so glad we got everything they needed at once!

Kate slept most of the afternoon/ evening on Friday.  I enjoyed all of the cuddles.

We took her compression dressing off Saturday - she did not enjoy that too much.  Her incision (if I can even call it that - it is very, very small) looks great but her bruising is getting worse.  This picture doesn't do the bruising justice - it is now purple and blue and covers a much larger area.

She is back to her normal self today (Sunday) and is not phased by the procedure at all!  We should have answers this coming week - and I am hoping we can  establish a treatment plan to get our sweet girl better!

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