
August 9, 2011

Prayers please

We aren't getting off to a good start here.

Kate spiked a high fever this evening and is miserable. We've drawn blood cultures to make sure it isn't a blood infection and will be starting IV antibiotics soon.

The devastating news? Chemo and transplant are postponed until further notice. At the earliest it will be Monday of next week but it could be later. We should know more tomorrow.

I am feeling defeated and feel the devils presence. Please cover our family, and especially Kate, in prayers as we work through this complication. I wasn't expecting issues before we even started chemo.

Kate needs to catch her break - she's been through enough.

Continuing to tell myself that God's glory and healing powers will prevail.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Kelly said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I'm thinking about you and sending love!

Kristin said...

Praying, praying, praying. <3

Shannon said...

So incredibly sorry to hear this. Absolutely lifting you guys in prayer. This breaks my heart, I hope that she is able to get her treatment as soon as possible.

Sarah said...

Prayers for you and your husband and Kate. You are strong, don't let yourself doubt or fall into depression! You can do this, and so can Kate. Things may not happen on our schedule, but they will happen on God's schedule.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you.

Wendy said...

Extra prayers coming your way. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here!!!

shay said...

Will be sending many prayers your way.

Lindsay said...

Praying for you, Kate, and Alex. Hope tomorrow brings good news.

FEAS613 said...

I'll be praying for your family and your sweet girl...

Ali said...

Our prayers are with Kate.

Ashley Paige said...

Oh, L.. Sending so many love and prayers your way. Hopefully this is just her little body's way of adjusting to having her line in. Praying that it's nothing bigger and that plans aren't put off much longer. Just another reminder that we're not in control, right? So frustrating, I know. Hugs, friend.. XOXO!

Robin said...

I have been thinking of Kate since I saw your post earlier today. I will continue to hope and pray that she rallies and they are able to resume her procedures ASAP.

Lauren said...

We are lifting you all, especially Kate, up in prayers. You are surrounded in love and are held in the palm of the Great Physician's hand. I am praying that you are all able to get some rest tonight and that you will have some answers tomorrow. I love you herms! Kiss sweet baby K for us.

cjdubs13 said...

Praying, praying for little Miss Kate and your family.

Pineapples and Pickles said...

Prayers going up with Kate's (and yours) name on them. Stay strong K ... I admire you sweetie! And you too Lindsey ... your strength amazes me.

the workaholic momma said...

Oh my goodness...I'm SO sorry - praying and praying some more for Kate and your family.

Brittany said...

Praying for your family and sweet baby Kate.

Karla said...

Hi, I just stumbled across your blog from another blog.

Sounds like you and your husband have had quite the trials over the past years! No parent should go through this with their child. I believe that God will use your story/testimony to encourage other parents and families. I will be praying for you, your husband, and little Kate!!

Blessings, love and prayers to you.

Zephaniah 3:17
May you take comfort in His word and promises! He hasn't given you anything you cannot handle, and He promises to hold you hand through all of it!

Jessica said...

Praying for you all. Lots of prayers.

Crystal said...

praying for you and your family.

Jen said...

Lots of prayers for Kate! Hope she passes this hurdle quickly!

jlynn said...

(((hugs))) You are all in my prayers

Jen J. said...

Oh Lindsey I'm so sorry to hear about this...sending lots of prayers to sweet Kate & to your family for strength. ((hugs)) Hopefully her fever subsides soon.

Jessica said...

Still praying, sweet girl!

The Goodins said...

I have prayed for your family several times in the past few days and will continue to so. Cat Moore is a mutual friend of ours...I guess that's how I found your blog (?) Or maybe it was just God increasing your prayer warriors :)

When you can feel the devil, you can bet your life God's presence is there also! Why else would he even bother with you? Keep reminding yourself of that.

Kate has already proven to be a tough cookie. Obviously, she is one of God's modern day miracles of hope, strength, and faith.

Hang in there. You're lifted up!!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and your beautiful little girl...prayers and thoughts coming your way.

Sara said...

I sent my swabs and donation in Kate's honor in yesterday. I'm so sorry for the setback but I will continue to pray daily for you, your husband, and most of all sweet baby Kate. God has a plan and it will soon become evident. Lots of hope and prayers.

Kara said...

Bless her heart. My prayers are with you guys.

Heather S (heckysue) said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way, been thinking about Kate a lot lately. That little girl has no idea how many people are pulling for her!

Shannon Dew said...

Praying for you and your family. May God take care of your sweet girl.

Emily May said...

Praying non stop for your Kate! Healing WILL prevail! Kate needs you to be strong so I am praying for strength for you and your husband as well!
Much Love!

Beth said...

Prayers sent from Baltimore.

Melissa said...

Praying for all of you, and the doctors that they figure out what is wrong and get it fixed.

agioni said...

I will be praying for you. I never comment but I just wanted to let you know that there are probably so many people praying for you that you don't even know about. I believe in the power of prayer.

Katherine said...

I can't remember how I found your blog, but I was so touched by your story and your sweet girl's smile. I check in often to hear how your journey is going and pray for you every day!! Your Kate is gorgeous, and you're a wonderful mom to her!! Can't wait to hear good news soon! You can never underestimate the power of good energy, love and prayers. :) Hugs from our family to yours.

Anonymous said...

Leaving you prayers to help you stay strong. <3

Anonymous said...

Prayers coming your way!

Anonymous said...

Praying for Kate in NC

Anonymous said...

Hi Linsay,
I am praying for Kate. Although I do not know you all personally, I am a fellow cancer survivor and have known the power of God's healing presence.

Angels, Holy Spirit, surround little Kate with Your loving arms. Heal her so that she can glorify God in her life!

Satan, be gone! Love, power her healing, in the wonderful name of Jesus!


Lindsay said...

Lots of prayers for you all!

Genna said...

we love you. sending hugs.

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