I cannot believe we are a week post transplant! The days seem so very slow but the weeks are flying by!
If y'all remember, Kate's friend Caleb went home on Day +20. That means Kate could be home in as little as two weeks. We aren't getting are hopes up but, it's nice knowing we are making progress towards discharge.
Kate has had three very good days in a row! I think it is a combination of her starting to feel better and the fact that we finally have her pain under control. Whatever it is, we are happy to see glimpses of our old Kate filling the halls of Texas Children's!
Kate spends the majority of her days walking the halls of the BMT unit, begging random people to pick her up (she seriously has no stranger anxiety at all - we will have to work on this as she gets older), and playing in the play room! Her endurance is building back up and she is literally running in the halls these days!
Counts still remain low (her ANC is at 0.02) and Kate continues to eat through platelets like crazy (she's getting platelet transfusions every other day) but she is on the road to recovery!
Our next goal is to have her ANC start increasing. Engraftment (defined as an ANC >500 for 3 consecutive days) doesn't normally occur until 2-4 weeks post transplant which means we should see small increases in her levels soon.
I know I sound like a broken record but, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! They are working!!
For those who have asked for specific prayer requests, I have two right now! The first is prayers for engrafting and signs of Kate's ANC increasing.
The second is that Kate engrafts at 100% donor cells. CAMT (Kate's genetic condition) comes with a very high risk of leukemia. If any of Kate's cells remain in her body, she will be at risk for developing leukemia. We need Kate to be filled with 100% of her donors cells so that we can eliminate this risk. We won't know engraftment percentages until something like 30 days past transplant when her first engraftment study is done. So all prayers in regards to this are much appreciated!!
A random side note. You may notice that Kate looks tan in the picture above. Your eyes are not fooling you! One of the side effects of the first chemo drug Kate was on is temporary changes in skin pigmentation. So despite not seeing the sun for over 3 weeks, Kate is sporting a nice busulfan tan!
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Now there's a side effect I've never heard on a drug commercial before. "Busulfan may cause insterstitial pulmonary fibrosis, seizures, a killer bronze-goddess tan, veno-occlusive disease, and wasting syndrome."
So happy things are going so well! Continuing to send good thoughts and vibes!
Wonderful news for all of you!
Best wishes and prayers from Boston still being sent your way!
i've been reading your blog since kate was born (my baby was born two days after yours!) and have been lifting your little family up daily in my prayers. so happy to read that Kate is having good days and i hope they continue!
Glad to hear the positive news. I believe prayer is to find the strength to endure a difficult situation and not to ask for specific things from god.
How wonderful to see Kate looking so happy! She is such an inspiration, as are you. I continue to keep her in my prayers.
Sorry, Lucille. Christ tells us that we have not because we ask not - so ask away, Lindsey! We'll ask WITH you!
Thanks for the specific prayer requests. It is nice to learn more about her genetic condition and to have some specifics for our prayers.
Her tan looks amazing! She looks so radiant and happy - even if the radiance is partially drug induced.
Glad things are going well now!
Thank you for the update and it was wonderful to hear good news! Kate is such a strong, young lady! I will continue to pray for Kate, you and your family.
I am SO glad to hear that Kate is starting to perk up a bit and will be praying for her continued recovery, 100% engraftment, and higher ANC counts!!!
She looks so happy in the pic above...sending y'all hugs:)
I am so happy to hear she is doing well. I am thankful that you give specific prayer requests. I like being able to ask God for exactly what we need for this sweet girl. I know He is listening!
Love you!
Awesome news! Happy to hear Kate is doing well...She will continue to be in my prayers...she is beautiful! :)
So glad she's feeling better!! Definitely lifting up your family in prayer.
Aw, she is so precious! Hope she has a speedy recovery.
Fabulous news!! Here's to more great news for Kate and your family!
Sending prayers!!
I've been following your blog for a while now - my prayers go out for sweet Kate and the family!
We are praying for you and your precious baby girl, Kate. You are a strong momma and woman. We admire your strength and will continue to pray for your family and Kate.
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