As I sit here in my son's hospital room, 15 hours before he is scheduled to received your marrow, I find myself reflecting on so many emotions.
The fear my husband and I had when we discovered that we were unexpectedly expecting our second child. We were fearful because we were aware of our CAMT carrier status. Aware that this baby might follow in big sister's footsteps and also require a life saving bone marrow transplant.
The heartbreak that came in November 2011 when we learned that our second child was a boy and had CAMT. I was 16 weeks pregnant and so heartbroken that the innocent child I was carrying would have so many hurdles to jump from birth.
The joy that I felt the moment sweet Will was born. In that instant, when I heard his first cry, I was filled with unconditional love and was able to temporarily forget about that journey we were about to embark on.
The anxiety that came in the form a phone call in April 2012 letting us know that Will's original donor was no longer willing to donate.
The grief that consumed me while we were "donorless" and terrified that a match may not be found in time.
The hope when our coordinator confirmed that a 27 year old male from another country agreed to donate allowing us to move forward with Will's life saving transplant.
I spent many days focusing on the fear and heartbreak of our situation. I spent many days so consumed with anxiety regarding my son's second chance at life.
But today? I am completely consumed with hope and thankfulness!
I am hopeful for Will's future. Hopeful that my family of four will be able to continue our life together as a complete family unit. Hopeful that Will will go on to experience life and do big things (and little things too)!
I am thankful for YOU. Your decision to selflessly donate bone marrow, and save Will's life, is the reason I am able to have hope. I will forever be thankful for your ability to put a stranger's needs ahead of your own.
I know that we will have days of fear, heartbreak, and anxiety ahead. I know that we are not exempt from sorrow simply because Will has a second chance at life. But I am confident that we can handle anything thrown our way because of the hope we now have for Will's life.
And that hope? It would not be possible if it weren't for our Lord perfectly orchestrating your life and Will's life.
I pray that you have an easy recovery. I pray that you know just how special you are. I pray that you know just how thankful my husband and I are for your selflessness. I pray that you are blessed beyond measure for the gift you have given our son!
Words will never be enough but for now that is all I can send your way!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Lindsey Boggan

I can't image the amount of love and gratitude you must have for this donor! I pray Will does well!
Congratulations on finding a donor. I hope that all goes well for your son and he recovers quickly!
This gave me chills! So thankful for Will getting the chance to have a happy, healthy life like his big sissy. xo
Donors are such a huge blessing!! My FIL received a bone marrow transplant just 4 months ago from a stranger! Praying for your sweet boy today and during theses months ahead! Xoxo
I don't know you yet, I just found your blog through a #teamwill Instagram post, and I love your family already. Today, I am committing to covering your family with prayers and love and am claiming God's ultimate healing of precious Will. Blessings and love, Jennifer
Praying for your family today (wearing my green scrubs! :) )
Lee Herrin
I just got the chills reading this. You are in my thoughts today and will continue to be! xo
Hi Lindsey! My sister introduced me to your blog today and I wanted you to know your family is in my prayers! I had a BMT in August of 2011 for sister was my donor :) I know what you're facing and sending you lots of happy thoughts and prayers :)
Well said Lindsey. I wish I was closer to do something, anything. I hope Will is doing well, but hope are holding up as well. Sending hugs....
What a wonderful and amazing post! Had me in tears. Covering y'all in prayers!!
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