
January 13, 2012

Day +135 - A great update!

I feel like I haven't given a BMT update on Kate in a while.

We dealt with several set backs in December - the biggest being her red blood cell/ hemoglobin issue.  Ultimately, it was discovered that Kate's body was not producing a hormone known as EPO (it's made by the kidneys) which signals the bone marrow to make red cells.  After blood transfusions and starting a new IV medication that stimulates EPO production, Kate's hemoglobin increased!

We did a week trial without the medication (last week) and thankfully her hemoglobin was stable at her appointment on Tuesday so we are going yet another week without the medicine.  Our hope is that she just needed a boost to help her body "re-learn" how to make EPO.  If her hemoglobin drops, we will re-start the medication and look into other reasons why she can't sustain her red count (things like kidney damage that would mean her body may never be able to sustain EPO and RBC).  We are praying that isn't the case.

Despite this setback, Kate had an amazing appointment Tuesday!

She is 4.5 months post transplant and her platelet count is FINALLY normal!  And, it is the highest it has ever been her entire life!  We went to transplant due to a platelet issue so I've been very nervous that her platelet count remained low for so long.  But, it is right where it needs to be now!  Her ANC looks great as do her liver levels (which gave up problems in November).

Kate's BMT doctor mentioned that if things keep looking this good over the next 3-4 weeks, there is a big chance her central line will come out some time in February! I cannot believe we are to the point of talking about removing her central line, switching to every other week clinic appointments, and stopping medications!

Yep, that's right - we've dropped blood pressure medication and as of today Kate is completely off of her immune suppressant medication as well!  That leaves only one medicine in the mix which is her oral anti pneumonia medicine and she will be on that until 1 year post transplant.

We also heard today that Kate is 98% donor which is wonderful as well!

I didn't really know what to do with so much good news on Tuesday.  I've become so accustom to hearing good news coupled with not so good news so to have an appointment where we only had positive things to discuss was wonderful!

God is good and we are moving closer and closer to normal life!  There's even talk of some of Kate's isolation restrictions letting up in the next 1-2 months!

I am so thankful that so many people have prayed for, supported, and been their for our family and for Kate.  I know she wouldn't be doing this well if it wasn't for the community we have rallying behind us!


Megan and David said...

Will never get tired of reading updates like this!

xoxo - Griffith family

Lauren said...

Love hearing such a great report! Still praying, but rejoicing too!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news!!

Lindsey said...

It made my day to read this!! Continuing to pray that Kate's body responds the way it recently has and that all the great things you've been looking forward to become reality very soon!! Xoxo

Ashley said...

Hooray for great news!!!!

Kodi ODay said...

Thank goodness for all of the good news! Still keeping all four of you in my prayers:)

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

Great news! That is so exciting!

In This Wonderful Life said...

Praise God for wonderful news!!! YAY!

Hailey @ Me and My Boys said...

Yay!! :)

Trisha said...

Like I've said before, Slow and steady wins the race! So happy for Miss Kate (and you and Alex of course!).

Mama B said...

That's SO great to hear!!

Ali said...

I'm SO happy for you and Kate!

Lindsay said...

Such great news!!! :) hope it continues and the rash heals VERY QUICKLY!

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