
November 28, 2012

Sometimes...A Girl Just has to Dance!

Kate is at such a fun age. Yes there are days when I want to drown myself in wine due to the tantrums.

But? Overall this age is my favorite so far! She is just so funny and loves life!

Girlfriend loves to dance and she often stops what she is doing to start dancing. I'm so glad that I had my camera out during one of these moments!

Look at her face! She is in the moment and just living life!

When Kate isn't dancing, she's practicing to become the next Taylor Swift! She loves to sing almost as much as she loves to dance!

Or making silly faces!

Or just being my sweet miracle!

This girl blesses me so much every single day!



Anonymous said...

You make such pretty babies. I love these photos.

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

she is just So cute ;)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

i just know her and E would be total bffs. what a cutie!

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