We flew in pretty late on Friday which resulted in me falling asleep on the couch while Alex and his parents caught up and watched a bit of TV.
Saturday we headed to the crawfish boil. I had a few crawfish but, apparently Kate doesn't realize she has South Louisiana blood in her and revolted. I had the worst heartburn in a matter of 15-20 minutes. So, I stopped and just watched everyone else enjoy my favorite Spring food! I will say that not eating crawfish meant I didn't want a beer which worked out nicely!
We headed to Cory's deer camp in the middle of nowhere Saturday evening for a bonfire and to hang out. I headed back to the ILs around 9 and Alex stayed the night to hang out with everyone. Pregnant ladies and deer camp just don't mix very well. To give you a better understand, deer camp = double wide trailer in the middle of no where decorated with deer heads/ mounted wildlife. While it is very fun to hang out and enjoy adult beverages from time to time, it is not a place where a pregnant lady can be very comfortable!
Sunday morning we enjoyed our time with Alex's parents, ate some good food, and headed to the airport. Our flight was late causing us to get back home much later than anticipated but, it was well worth it to see family and friends!
However, I am still recovering from the flight and lack of sleep I have been getting lately! I wish I had pictures to share but, I forgot to take any. I am pretty bummed about that because I actually took time to do something with my self (hair, make-up, cute sun dress) for the party!
I can't believe I forgot about one of the most exciting things about the weekend! And, I have a picture! Meet Mr. Peacock!
My ILs live out in the country and one of their neighbors down the road has peacocks. Well, this guy has decided to make the ILs house/ shed/ shop his new home. He comes over regularly and hops up on top of the car shop and struts his stuff trying to attract a mate. He doesn't realize that there aren't female peacocks at my ILs but, he spreads his tail feathers and puts on a show anyways.
I guess he got tired of putting on a show and decided to take a little rest in the yard! Alex snapped this picture while Mr. Peacock was lounging!
1 comment:
That is too cool! And here I was excited to see a cardinal on the back patio!
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