I've mentioned the bone marrow donor drive we are having Sunday several times. DKMS is sponsoring the drive - meaning they are covering the cost ($65/ donor) to register everyone that shows up. Organizations like DKMS make it possible for so many people, in all walks of life and income levels, to join the registry and hopefully save a life.
I will not be at the drive in Florida. I wish I could be there but, it just isn't worth the risk of being exposed to so many germy people in an airport and on an airplane. My sister and brother-in-law have done an amazing job setting this drive up! But it has left me feeling like I haven't done much at all.
I've decided that I want to help DKMS raise the money needed to process all of the new donors that sign up on Sunday.
If each person that viewed my blog yesterday donates just $1 we can cover the cost of adding 33 new donors!
If each of those 2,164 people donates just $5 we can cover the cost of adding 167 new donors!
All you have to do is have one less Starbucks this week, one less drink out at the bar (I'm talking to all my college readers out there!), one less donut on your way in to work. You get the picture - eliminate something small from your life one time and you can help save a life!
That is HUGE!
DKMS and I have set up a fundraising site in Kate's honor. This money does not go to Kate or our family - 100% of it goes to covering the cost of processing new donors. It is simply a way for us to track how many people have been moved by Kate's story and led to donate!
Simply head over to Kate's fundraising page (link) and make your donation!
I hope each of you will consider making such a small monetary donation to help DKMS continue to provide donor screening free of charge!
This is such a great idea! I can't be screened as a donor right now so I hope my small donation will help. Lots of prayers are being said for your darling baby girl and your family.
Wonderful idea. Happy to help. My daughter is almost the same age as Kate and I get a big lump in my throat just thinking about what you are going through. Praying for you!!
We have never met but "met" you through the IF boards that I no longer frequent and have followed your family's story through your blog. Sending you many thoughts and prayers as your family goes through this journey. Hope my small donation helps get you to your goal. I can't even imagine what you are going through. Much love to such a sweet baby.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. Kate's story inspired me to register with the National Registry. I came across your blog on TB (6-9 month board).
I am so proud of all the work you are doing to save not only Kate, but other precious children. You are an inspiration! I hope our donation helps. xoxo
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