
July 21, 2011

Just got the call!

We have a perfect match!! An amazing 24 yr old man will give Kate a second chance at life!!

We will know more details after our conference with the transplant team Tuesday. Looks like transplant will be in the next 6-8 weeks!!

Praise God!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Janis said...

Wow! So excited! Thank you to the self-less young man who will make our dreams come true! God Bless You!

Christie said...

This is such awesome news Lindsey! I am overjoyed for you, Kate, and Alex! Our God is just AWESOME!!

Whitney said...

I don't know what to type I am so excited.

J.Mo said...

That is wonderful! I am SO happy for you! All of you!! God is good!! :)

Anonymous said...

that is amazing news! God bless all of you!

Aubrianarose said...

I am so happy for you and your family! So, SO happy! The power of prayer. :)

Kristin said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! YAY!!!!! What a wonderful man. Praying for both he and Kate! Praise God!!

Megan said...

I just got major goose bumps! I'm so happy for Kate! God is watching over her so very closely! I bet that young man feels so proud to be able to save a little girls life. He is truly an inspiration! Congrats again! I can't wait to hear how everything goes!

Kelly said...

OMG, this is so awesome! Congrats! I don't even know what else to say!!!!!!!

Words Like Swords said...

This is the best news I've see in such a long time. I'm so incredibly happy for you. Even I want to hug that man!!

Ashley said...

I am so happy that I have tears running down my face! Please keep us updated and give that amazing 24 year old a HUGE hug for all of us!

FSM said...

I've been following you for a while and am absolutely in tears for you. God is good!

Allison said...

Wow wow wow!!!!

Jen + Jeff said...

Wonderful news!

Jennifer said...

Oh wow! Praise God! This is great news!!!!!!

T.J. said...

Lindsey, that is such great news! I hope Kate gets to meet this man one day, and you can show him how amazing he is.

Brandi said...

That is soooo great!!

Nicole said...

That is awesome! So happy for your family. Lots of love your way!!

Erin said...

Praise God! So overjoyed for your family!

Becca said...

That's wonderful news! I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts & prayers in the upcoming weeks for a successful transplant and a speedy recovery!

the workaholic momma said...

This is the best news of the year!!! I am so happy for you and your beautiful family-continued prayers for a successful meeting next week:)

Anjanette "Momma" Young said...

Congratulations, that is wonderful!!!

M said...

It's so good to hear this, Lindsey. I'll praying every thing goes as smoothly as possible.

claire said...

Hi Lindsey,
I just found your blog through twitter a couple days ago. I've read through your archives and just fell in love with the pictures of sweet Kate. I am thrilled that a donor has been found. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Claire :)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Lindsey! I am so thrilled to hear this wonderful news. I have been praying for Kate and your family and now am praising God for this amazing blessing. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and will add this 24 year old man to my prayer list. What a wonderful, selfless person.

Unknown said...

A true blessing. The power of prayer is amazing.

Shannon said...

SO SO happy for you guys and little Kate. What an absolute blessing this is!!

Unknown said...

That's wonderful news!!!! Praise God!!!

cjdubs13 said...

What wonderful news. Your family and this young man will be in my prayers!

Viki said...

I have been thinking of you guys so much. What great news! Continued best wishes to you, Alex and Kate.

Amber said...

That's! Congratulations and here's to hoping everything that comes along with this goes smoothly!

Kara said...

SO very happy for you guys!! You are still in my thoughts.

Andy and Emmie said...

Wow! How exciting! Just the first sentence made me tear up! I am so beyond happy for you all! My thoughts and prayers are with you guys in this long process. God is Good!

Anonymous said...

One of your fellow special needs moms from so excited for you. Praise God!!!

Tori and Zac said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers for a while now. I'm so happy for Kate, you, and Alex. Thank the Lord!

albjag said...

I am so happy for you guys!

shay said...

Just got a few tears! So thankful and happy to hear!

Ali said...

What a blessing from God!

Seana said...

Just came across this site and am crying and praying. My sweet boy was born April 2010 and almost died the first few days of his life. For a month we didn't know from day to day if we would ever be able to take him home... but God met us there! And now he IS home, thriving, and a joy every day. Praying your journey has the ending you are hoping for... and a testimony to bring God honor and praise for the rest of your days.

- Seana Scott

Syl said...

I might have just done a little dance for joy at my desk :)

Lindsay said...

Such AMAZING news.

Rachael from Louisiana said...

God is good! So happy for your family and will keep y'all and the wonderful donor in my prayers!

michelle said...

I have quietly followed your blog and I have tears in my eyes as I read your latest update. Prayers and happy thoughts to your little girl and the wonderful donor!

Momma Wilson said...

praise god, what awesome news!!!

heatherm818 said...

That is such great news! I'm am really happy for you and Kate.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be any happier for Kate and your family.
-Long time blog reader and nestie

Amy Cole (ames17 from TB) said...

Wonderful news! I've been thinking of your little Kate. Total answer to prayer!

Mollie said...

Oh Lindsey, that's wonderful!! :) I am so happy for you, Alex and for Kate!


Amanda said...

What amazing news!! That is awesome. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Your family will be in our prayers!


Christy said...

What an amazing God we serve. That's the best news I'v heard all day.

Shana said...

I've been stalking your blog waiting for this post! So happy for your family!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank God indeed. /bumpie

Tonja said...

That is wonderful news! God bless that young man for donating! This has made my day!

MommaM said...

I just burst into tears of joy for you!! I am SO happy to hear the news!!!

Andrea said...

god is good, all the time! I'm so happy for you and sweet Kate. Continuing to lift your family up in prayers.../Andrea (racegrrl714 from TB)

Claire said...

Praise indeed! Thrilled for y'all!


SWV said...

Lindsey, I was so happy to hear this news. I hope that the road ahead is much easier for you guys, your family deserves some peace. Always praying for little Kate. - Stephanie

Unknown said...

That is GREAT!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Amazing news!!

kim said...

I know I have told you 2,765 times, but I can't stop thinking about you guys! SO SO SO thrilled. Praise God!

618mom said...

Wow that is fantastic news! I'll be thinking of you guys!

618mom22boys from TB

Stacy said...

That's amazing, Lindsey! So so happy for you and Alex and Kate!

Jen J. said...

Oh Lindsay - I'm SOO happy to hear this! Sending lots of prayers to little Kate & your family always!
-Jen (jds)

Katy said...

Hooray! I'm so happy for you and your family, Lindsey! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Such amazing news! Continuing to pray for your sweet little girl and you and your family! <3 klmfbp3

The Munchkins Mama said...

I am so happy to hear this news. I signed up for the registry when a coworker of my dad's small child needed one. My younger brother has been in remission for a year and a half from stage 4 hodgkins lymphoma after his. I'm his perfect match if he should need me. You are all in our prayers.

Wendy said...

Visiting from Kelly's Korner and I'm thrilled to see such fantastic news!!! I'll keep you all (and the amazing donor) in my prayers!!!

Unknown said...

I have been following your blog for a while now and I wanted to let you know we have been saying prayers for your sweet family. Kate has inspired my husband and I to register with DKMS. Congratulations on the match, and we will keep sending prayers your way.

Lindsay and Drake Maloan (MS State)

Kristin (kekis) said...

SO AWESOME! What an amazing young man that will change your lives. All of you will continue to be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Amazing news!

Kelli said...

This is fantastic news! Keeping you all in my thoughts, always.

Unknown said...


Jessica said...

Ahhhhhh!! YAY!!!! I am so happy for y'all!!

Heather said...

Praise God!!! What wonderful news!

Liz said...

I am so happy for you all. I just registered myself and my husband to become potential donors after reading about Kate. I've "known" you from TB since 1st tri and I think you should know you are a tremendously strong woman and mother. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through--babies shouldn't be ill. I wish you, Kate and your husband all of the best things in the world because you deserve no less.

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