As always, she enjoyed the fish tank while waiting!

Waiting for her tests to get started! Look at that curl! She loved the crib soother they had so I think we will have to pick one up for her before next week!

She had to be sedated for her echo (ultrasound of her heart). She was given oral sedation and fought it so hard. It took almost 20 minutes for her to fall asleep but when she did, she was out cold!
Finally asleep!

I carried her to the test room and she got nice and comfy! Look how long her legs are!

She didn't move an inch during her echo! I was worried she was going to wake up from the poking/ position changes but she did great! This one is dark but is during the test!

After the echo she had a quick EKG and was done! As soon as they took the EKG stickies off of her, she flip onto her belly and tried to get even more comfortable! Too bad she had to be woken up so we could go home.
She had a hard time with the medicine and was so fussy. I think it really messed up her tummy because she threw up a few times and had diarrhea which brought on a lovely diaper rash. Thankfully she seems to be better today!
I can't believe we are less than a week away from admission!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
She is the most precious girl. I read your blog and pray for her often!
Bless her heart! She looks so much like a toddler too. I know she is, but it's hard to believe.
Kate is a tough baby. We love you. The Hattiesburg Williamson's
I am not sure how I got connected to your blog but I am touched by your story and I am praying for Kate and your family daily.
Seeing Kate in that little hospital gown just breaks my heart! She's a strong little girl, that's for sure. Praying for you guys every day!
OMG, I'm getting butterflies in my stomach for how close the start of her procedure is. Sending lots & lots of continued prayers to y'all...I know she'll do awesome!
PS - she DOES have super long legs! What %tile is she in for height?!!
I can't believe you are less than a week away too! And so close to her first birthday. I swear this year has flown by. <3 prayers to you both
Glad to hear that went well! Her legs do look so long! My kids are tall too!
Hi there Lindsey,
I know we are strangers but your story has touched my heart. Your and your family are so brave and are handling this all with such grace and light. I have serious medical issues myself; a disease that only 500 people in the U.S. have, and Kate inspires me to keep fighting and see the joy. Bless her little heart.
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