
October 22, 2010

PTG Thank You Note winner!

I used to select the giveaway winner. 

Note: One comment was deleted so, there were actually only 14 entries.

Comment #4 was Allison!  Congrats Allison - I will be emailing you with instructions on how to redeem your thank yous within the next few days!!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo-yay! Thanks. Also I noticed most of your little ladies bows come from your mom...does she have an ETSY account? If so would you pass that along too? We live in Northern VA but my husband is from MS (sorry, he's an Ole Miss Rebel ;)) and there aren't many good hair bows to be had around here.

Lindsey B said...

My mom and sister are actually in the process of opening an Etsy shop! My sister monograms, mom makes awesome bows, and they both sew precisou children's cloths. I will for sure post about it when it opens!

I will probably even do a giveaway to send some extra traffic their way!

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