I have ZERO, and I mean absolutely ZERO, desire to even think about potty training Kate right now.
Like I avoid talking about the potty at all cost
Medical issues aside, our life? Right now? It's easy! I have the hang of this two kid thing. I can get them out easily. I can go to Target on a whim and not feel overwhelmed. I can even get them out in the cold, rainy weather we've been having and not so much as bat an eye.
See? Easy!
The thought of adding in potty breaks and sprints from the back of HEB while my toddler screams "mommy I have to teetee! It's coming! I all wet!" do not sound appealing to me.
At all.
Add in the fact that I would have to take my toddler into a public bathroom. My toddler, who has the mentality that we MUST! TOUCH! EVERYTHING! in a public bathroom? Oh my poor germ loathing heart. I think I would die.
But? Despite how certain I am that I do not want to potty train any time soon? I am feeling that awful park mom pressure about the issue.
Y'all know what I'm talking about!
That conversation about {insert milestone/ controversial issue here} where one of the park moms says something along the lines of "Oh wow! Kate is still in diapers? Well, my sweet Jane has been going on the potty since she was 6 months old! But, {eye roll and nasty look} I totally understand why you would wait. We just wanted Jane to understand how to control her bodily functions at an appropriate age."
Because six months is apparently an appropriate age for that. MAJOR EYE ROLL BACK AT PARK MOM.
So blog land. Please tell me I am not alone. Please tell me that I am not a gigantic mom fail because I am actively avoiding potty training my nearly 2.5 year old.
I can't be alone.
I can't be the only mom who cares more about how easy a trip to Target is than how early my child learns to do her business in the toilet...

You're not alone, I similarly dread potty training (and also other third year milestones like transitioning to bed and losing the pacifier) and I have to do two at the same time.
Mia is dealing with a bowel obstruction (nothing major) and the pedi said that until that is resolved I should not potty train. So I'm using that as an excuse!!!!!
I've yet to see a 15 year old in diapers so I wouldn't worry :) It'll happen. In the meantime tell those park mommies that your kid is too busy loving life to be bothered worrying about that sort of stuff right now.
Same here sister! KP Has no interest and I am a-OK with that! As long as she's potty trained by 3 I'm OK!
DON'T DO IT!!! haha I was the EXACT same way!! I put it off as long as I possibly could. I LOVE diapers, they are way easy, and honestly not all that expensive. PUll ups are way more expensive and we still go through at least two of those per day with naps and bedtime.
I waited until Lila was three months over two and a half and it was so much less of a hassle than I hear when moms push their kids the second they turn two. Of course, every kid is different, but I feel like the older they are, the more they can understand and control those muscles. If we're out, Lila can actually hold it for a long while so we aren't paniked to run to the bathroom, and I think that had a lot to do with how late we potty trained.
Food for thought?
I totally understand this! Connor is 2 years, 4 months and I had NO interest in potty training him. None. Um, diapers are EASY...I've got this. Well - a couple weeks ago he started ASKING to use the potty, so we did go ahead with it. It's been so easy because it's something he was wanting to do - I HIGHLY recommend waiting until they show a LOT of interest and then just going with it. Makes it SO easy!! So, keep on waiting mama! :)
PS - right after Connor turned 1 I got a lecture from a lady I hardly know telling me that he should already be potty trained because her daughter was potty trained at 8 months. I usually bite my tongue in those situations, but she just pushed all the wrong buttons. I told her that I felt sure she was lying and mind her own business. My husband was SHOCKED when that came out of my mouth - but seriously, SERIOUSLY?? Ugh!
You are not alone. My son is 2.5 and I am dreading the potty training thing.
You are not alone! My daughter is about to be two and we haven't really made any progress **cue lazy momma** and my niece was 3 before she was potty trained. I think the older they are, the quicker they catch on to. No worries, you're doing a great job! =)
I'm dreading it too. My 2 year old isn't quite ready yet but I'm sure if I *tried harder* she coould be but I really don't think I'm ready to deal with public bathroom germs and all of that.
Haha. We are in the same exact boat. Elle just turned 2.5 and has ZERO interest in the potty. I, also, have zero interest in potty training! I figure when she's ready I'll force myself to be ready...and in the meantime enjoy the diapers.
I'm so glad you posted this! I'm in the same boat. My daughter is 2.5 and I'm in no rush. I ask if she wants to go potty and she says "no"! Ok by me :) We're going to Disney in March and I so don't want to mess with potty training. I figure she'll be ready when she's ready.
You are not alone! My son is about the same age as Kate and I have no desire to start potty training right now. He does go potty on his toilet right before his bath, but other than that, we aren't working on anything. He's also still in a crib and I'm mildly scared of moving him to a "big boy" bed for night potty training. I fear I will have no house left.
We aren't at the potty training stage yet, but I am totally like this about my 20 minth DS learning to use utensils properly. It's so messy and makes meal times take 3x longer. He'll figure it out soon enough, what's the big rush? If I put it off a little while it'll be easier on everyone because his fine motor will be better AND his receptive language will be more developed so he *might* listen when I tell him 'No, you can't spoon feed the dog your pudding!' ;)
I have a 6 year old and 3 year old boy/girl twins...We started potty training before they turned 3...the thought alone made me ill...My girl got it no problem...3 months later my son has NO interest. I have tried many many times and lots of different approaches... The already spend so much time in nasty public bathrooms, I'm still not in love with the idea of him being potty trained anyways...he will get it eventually but I'm taking the pressure off of myself just because of the other "Park moms", they can do as they please and so will I...Good luck!!!
We just did it. My daughter is almost 2.5. It makes life harder! But I felt like I had to because she used the potty at her nursery school. I dunno, I could have waited I guess. One thing I wish I could put off as long as possible is starting solids on lil mister, though!!!
They won't go to college in diapers... so eventually they'll figure it out. :) And i totally think those people who say "my child was potty trained at a year" are lying. ha!
My daughter will be 3 in may, and i am majorly dragging my feet with potty training. ugg.
*high fives you*
I'm in the same boat.
Gray isn't interested. At all. I ask him about it a lot, just because I'd love to save money on diapers.
But honestly? I don't push him at all. I pushed Lo, and it backfired. Not gonna do it with G.
Plus, I was almost four before I was potty-trained and I think I turned out fine, thankyouverymuch. ;)
Heather, Mike, and Annie might make you feel just a little bit better.
This link takes you directly to Heather's recent post about potty training Annie, who is either almost three or almost four. So, you know, you're not alone.
You are not alone! (sing that like MJ) :) I feel the exact same way! Charlie will be 2 1/2 in a month and although I am starting to feel that pressure like you said, I am trying to ignore it b/c... diapers are SO easy! Yikes! :) They'll be ready when they're ready. No biggie. It's not like they'll be 10 and still in diapers!
Ha! So thankful you posted this! My son who is 2 1/2 isn't potty trained. My first baby who is now 5 I started before she was 2 but then I had a year of helping her on and off the potty cause she was too little to do it herself, and wiping her till she turned 4! Not worth the stress to potty train early, plus we have a Disney trip planned for the end of the month and there is NO way I want to mess with newly potty trained on an airplane or at Disney! I'll stick with our pampers thank you very much :-)
I clearly have ZERO say in this, but it seems like a good idea to me to train her when Will is in quarantine!
David pretty much potty trained Paige. And I am actively avoiding training Jack and Braley. Like, I make no mention of it, never ask them if they want to sit on it. Never try to read their body language as to when they might need to go. I honestly don't even think I'm going to even consider it until this summer, and even that might be pushing it. So - not alone : )
And I can say, from having had a potty trained 2 year old, it DOES suck to have a child so young need to communicate those things to you. And you get busy out and about, forgetting to ask her if she needs to tinkle. Before you know it, you're forced in to buying ugly leggings at the mall because you forgot a change of clothes, and your stroller now smells like pee. Yeah. I'd hold off ; )
Just think of all those diapers taking up space in a landfill and the toxic gases they emit.
Girl, you are so not alone! I just wrote a post this week about the same thing! Our pediatrician says that you can't train them anymore than we trained them to walk... they will do it when they are ready, and I for one am taking that to the bank!
I potty trained my daughter about a month before she turned 3. She was ready. She would stay dry for long periods and wanted her diaper changed as soon as she soiled it. My son I waited till about 3 weeks after he was 3 and I only did it because he was 3 and felt like I had too. Lol diapers are so much easier!!
My oldest will be 2.5 at the end I this month, she was trained at 18 months. The only reason is I dreaded the idea of two in diapers and she was asking to go. Now your situation is quite different you have a whole different spectrum of things to deal with. And really she will let you know when she is ready, don't sweat it!
She is not going to go to college in a diaper! Don't worry about the park mom. I know plenty of people that feel the need to tell me how much better of a mom they are in a passive aggressive way...
Also, I'm really interested in doing a giveaway with you for my new business. What is the best way to contact you?
Add me to Team Not Ready To Potty Train. She will be 2 1/2 next month and I'm feeling pressure from preschool to start training her. Honestly, they've been putting her on the potty at school regularly for months, and she's only gone in the potty once. We've got a couple of trips coming up, and I'd really like to wait until after that to train her.
Ummm...you are DEFINITELY not alone. Parents like that drive me insane. INSANE. I will never get their point of being like that. You're an awesome mom...don't let idiots make you second guess your choices..you know what's best for you and your family. :)
you definitely aren't alone :) although E is potty trained, I didn't push it at all. Kate will let you know when she's ready. And I sorta miss diapers. there i said it. they were so much easier!!
I'm a little late on this, but Mary Haddox wasn't potty trained until 3 months before her 3rd birthday. And, it was literally over night. She woke up one morning and went to the potty, stayed dry in a pull up all day, wore panties the next and we havent looked back! Literally, over night when she was ready.
Lindsey, when you are ready to potty train, to avoid the public bathroom as much as possible, use a portable potty like this:
This is what we have and I LOVE it! It has saved us many many times!
My opinion on potty training: Wait! You will know the right time for your family:)
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